What The????


10 Years
May 24, 2013
Lake Somerville, Texas
Long story I’ll try to make it short: my five production Reds free range in the afternoons. One was missing when I put them up -thorough search twice by me, two more times by a friend -no chicken.
Good news: she’s back this morning, but acting weird. She doesn’t seem injured and can get up and walk around, I put her near the water in the coop and she wouldn’t drink walk back to a corner and nestled down. After a bit, I went back and picked her up, put her back by the water and stuck her beak in it a little bit -still wouldn’t drink, then she turned around, walked up the ramp And nestled down up there in the coop.
I got one less egg yesterday, just fyi. 😳. What the H E Double hockey sticks is goin ON??!! I know ‘broody’ could be a factor, but… eh. Any other ideas???
Long story I’ll try to make it short: my five production Reds free range in the afternoons. One was missing when I put them up -thorough search twice by me, two more times by a friend -no chicken.
Good news: she’s back this morning, but acting weird. She doesn’t seem injured and can get up and walk around, I put her near the water in the coop and she wouldn’t drink walk back to a corner and nestled down. After a bit, I went back and picked her up, put her back by the water and stuck her beak in it a little bit -still wouldn’t drink, then she turned around, walked up the ramp And nestled down up there in the coop.
I got one less egg yesterday, just fyi. 😳. What the H E Double hockey sticks is goin ON??!! I know ‘broody’ could be a factor, but… eh. Any other ideas???
I think broody might be a possibility, but..... maybe🤔......just maybe...you have a skinwaker that has eaten and become your chicken, and us waiting for the perfect opportunity to EAT YOU!!! in reality I have no other ideas this is weird!
She is thinking about being broody. Sometimes it will take them 3-5 days to get serious. If you don't want her to be broody - make plans now to break her. Or start thinking where you can get fertilized eggs, but make a plan what you would do with roosters. Or get some chicks ordered to come in about 21 days.
I just got back home; checked her. Oh yeah. Broody for sure. 🙄.
Sorry I wasn't being serious, I thought production red never went broody? I guess not. I'm wondering if you want her to be broody what your going to do now?
Sorry I wasn't being serious, I thought production red never went broody? I guess not. I'm wondering if you want her to be broody what your going to do now?
Or maaaybe the place I got them fibbed a little- they are kinda different colors. And … the 2 sweet ones are more red (as RIs). These other 3?? Pft. Maybe they ARE possessed. 😳 Not too sweet.

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