what snacks can 2 month old chicks have and what can they not eat


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 5, 2017
i have 2 month old chicks and i love to give them treats
but i dont know what they can eat and what they can not eat
It's better to hold off on treats for awhile. They should be eating their nutritionally sound chick feed. Chicks are like kids, they prefer treats to healthy stuff. Give them a chance to grow up some as chickens. Treats and extras should not exceed 10% of what they do eat.
As much as I love my friend @drumstick diva I have to disagree with her on this. Watch a broody hen with her chicks when she takes them out into the big world a few days after hatching. She's not examining every food they pick up. She's not peeling and coring apples for them, checking greens for bugs, or any of that. She doesn't get upset because they are laying in dirt, scratching in the dirt, or eating dirt. If you toss a bucket of scraps in the main coop or run, she'll charge over getting her share, and the chicks will be eating whatever it is right beside her. So I'm not quite as particular. Treats are indeed like candy to a kid, but as long as the majority of their diet is what's in their feed dish, they should be fine. Treats are for occasional...and be sure they have access to grit if they are eating anything besides chick food. Mine get it from the clump of sod I toss in the brooder when they are just a few days old, and from being raised out in the run in a pen right along with the Big girls.

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