What sex is this 11 Week old Easter Egger and is the other one an AMeracauna.


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2022
I tried taking photos of comb and feathers. This one is more red than the other Easter Egger. The first three photos are the one in question. The 4th photo is of the other Easter Egger we brought home the same time. ALSO, the 5th picture - what type is she. tufts and beard but legs more greenish to me.


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EE's can lay any colour of egg. The only criteria is that they have a chance of laying blue eggs.
A chance yes but back before people started crossing all sorts of breeds to "old style" EEs and calling them EEs because the MIGHT have a blue egg gene, EE's had a definite look including a pea comb and MOST would lay some shade of bluish green, sometimes more blue, sometimes more green.
Well maybe that is how you like to breed them, I personally like the variety. And if you have a mutt you might as well have an interesting one.

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