What might this be?


Dragon Chicken
Premium Feather Member
Apr 14, 2022
Angleton TX
My Coop
My Coop
What's this on his face and wattles?



Is it some kind of yeast or fungal thing like athletes foot?
It could be, it's called Favus. An over the counter antifungal, with miconazole nitrate can by applied daily, if it clears it up, then that's what it is. On the one picture it seems to have a definite edge, so leans me towards it being fungal. I also see what looks like some minor pecking injuries, so I would do some observing to see if he's getting picked at. Sometimes crested birds draw attention from others and get picked at. He's handsome!
It could be, it's called Favus. An over the counter antifungal, with miconazole nitrate can by applied daily, if it clears it up, then that's what it is. On the one picture it seems to have a definite edge, so leans me towards it being fungal. I also see what looks like some minor pecking injuries, so I would do some observing to see if he's getting picked at. Sometimes crested birds draw attention from others and get picked at. He's handsome!
My guess and my suggestion also.
Thank you guys! Will get the cream tomorrow.

They are free range and generally choose to roost in the tree over the coop. I can catch them when I'm out and the hens follow me. The get on to mate them and I just pluck them off. Lol. It's the only time I can get the two that roost in thr tree.
Healing injuries from injuries from running into chickenwire, metal fencing, pecking, or brush could look similar. Injuries when healing may change colors from black, brown to white. The antifungal cream would not be harmful though, even if it is not favus. Here is a picture of a severe case of favus:
Healing injuries from injuries from running into chickenwire, metal fencing, pecking, or brush could look similar. Injuries when healing may change colors from black, brown to white. The antifungal cream would not be harmful though, even if it is not favus. Here is a picture of a severe case of favus:
Ick, I don't think the white/bagie stuff is from injury. I've not seen it before w/injury on any of them.

I thought when I first looked at it they and sand from dust bathing but it wasn't that when I got close to it and touched it.

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