What made you happy today?

I put apple and pear peel in the blender with a few chickpeas and a little water.
Especially my black Dutch love it.

Katrientje (bantam RIR in front) had to wait.
Another day off school! This time because of freezing rain and slick roads. But what really made me happy was my 7th grader got 100% on both the written and oral portions of a huge english project! He had to do a written paper and trifold board/oral presentation on the minotaur and he crushed both parts! So proud of him♥️
Another day off school! This time because of freezing rain and slick roads. But what really made me happy was my 7th grader got 100% on both the written and oral portions of a huge english project! He had to do a written paper and trifold board/oral presentation on the minotaur and he crushed both parts! So proud of him♥️
I love his choice of topic! I wish I could have seen the presentation. ❤️
I love his choice of topic! I wish I could have seen the presentation. ❤️
I never took a picture and he gets to keep it in the classroom to show future students how to do the project. But when they do the presentation fair, I'll get a picture and pm you
Working from home due to freezing rain - watching the snow melt despite the ice...so nice to wake up to double digits. Even better to go out to the animals this morning to find the water buckets didn't freeze at all last night 💚 Looking forward to not having to change water 4 times a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been dead for my remote working day, so I'm catching up on my BYC threads while I drink tea and wait for someone to need me (which I doubt they will, as everyon is 🫥 on their Teams statuses LOL)

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