What made you happy today?

My downstairs and upstairs bathrooms have bathtubs.
DH got a wonderfully nice compliment from his boss that speaks to what a fantastic employee he is. (I already knew that.)

DH is retiring in mid-July, and is thinking he might work part-time, or if they need him for a special project. The owner told him he is welcome to work any hours he'd like to, that he can basically "write his own ticket" for his retirement. And if he decides he wants to come back, there will be a spot for him, guaranteed.

So nice to know that he is valued.

It is so nice to see them working the dirt thanks to my babies!!!
Horrible clay soil that won't grow anything much less drain! And my lil babies (fluffy and cute as they are) work their little fluff butts off to attract these foot long worms!!!
I am super excited to see how the garden and flowers do this year!​

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