What made you happy today?

I got a lot of weeding done. With all the rain we've had, they pull out easily. 7-8 big buckets of weeds went into the empty compost bin to start a new pile.

Yeah, I get happy about weeds and compost. SMH.
Well sometimes life hands you nothing but crap to deal with. So guess compost it.
Not sure if that's being negative or positive but seems alot gets shoveled either way.
I try to think of weeds as potential chicken food or compost. Oh, and some of them are good to eat, too. :thumbsup
Yes they are. Have you ever soaked dandelion heads in salt water mainly to remove the bugs.... then batter & deep fry them like morel mushrooms?
Taste just like them bit they do have a lightly bitter aftertaste.

Lambs quarters. Yard onions. Spour grass. Chickweed. Rebud blossoms in a salad?

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