What made you happy today?

Visited a park today with an acquaintance/friend. We hiked, listened to her playlists on Pandora, swung on swing sets, and barrel-rolled down a short grass hill. I spotted mourning doves, a collard dove, great-tailed grackles, hummingbirds, and a few more species. Spring is blooming and I appreciated the warm sunlight, bees, and flowers. Even saw a gorgeous raven (a rare sight) fly past my yard this morning. Before I returned home to say hello to the quail, we also watched a movie in the guestroom of her house. She then offered me Mini Wheats cereal, which felt very relieving after a long walk. :)
I was watching swallows choosing bird houses. The male would find one and stand on the roof, and fly down to the pop hole as if to say this is a good place to go. Also I saw little brown bird tapping on our neighbor's house. A girl swooped the tapping bird and flew to a tree. The tapping bird flew to the same tree.

I did see to young rooster boys on a roost shoulder to shoulder. Real friends.

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