What kind of feed do you use for button quail?


6 Years
Jul 29, 2013
South Carolina
I have 2 pairs, when I bought them the breeder told me to use laying crumbles basicaly chickens feed, wich i already had, but he said I can use bird seed, what kind of bird seed is he talking about? Should o mix it in with their food or put it in seperate dish? What kind of treats do they like best? I hve been giving them dry meal worms & millets, and both pairs have cuttle bone, Thanks
I feed mine chicken food mixed with parakeet seed, which only like $2 a box at walmart. You can also feed them wild bird seed that doesn't have huge seeds.
Button Quail need high protein food not chicken feed. you can buy game bird feed at most farm supply stores, it runs less then $20 for a 50 pound bag. There are several brands including Purina and Nutrina. Just be sure it is not medicated and that the protein is 25% or more. I take the bag and devide it into freezer baggies and either freeze it or share with another person in the area who has game birds or turkeys or ducks.
You can feed them pet Finch seed mixed into the crumbles (game bird food0 and they do love meal worms but try to limit them as they are a very fattening food. You can fed them hard boiled chicken or quail eggs run them in the chopper shell and all they will eat the shell and get extra calcium from them. also get some crushed oyster shell in place of the cuttle bone. some cuttle bone has a high amount of mercury and in a bird this small it could be lethal.
Other treats are: fresh broccoli, corn (squeeze it out of the shell or not) , peas, lettuces (in small amounts as mostly water), fruit including banana and oranges apples too. NO chocolate or avocado! A great treat that is fun to watch is a clump of grass pulled from the yard with the dirt still attached. Be sure it has not been treated with fertilizer or bug killer. They also like dandylions stem and flower or seed.

hope this helps a bit and feel free to ask more questions if you are confused.
I have 16 button quail I feed them show chow but at first I was feeding them show turkey...
I am not sure what "show chow" is. You need to check the protein and be sure it is non medicated fed. High protein is a must! And yes you should crush the crumbles for the chicks for the first 2-3 weeks anyway. And do take precautions that they do not fall into the water or they will drown or even get too cold and wet and die.

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