What killed my turkey? Everything gone except neck and head.


In the Brooder
Jul 30, 2023
Does anyone know what predator could have killed my turkey. One of my bourbon red hens was in a bush dead. I have a flock of ten turkeys
• Only the head and neck were left, however it was seemingly untouched aside from being pulled off of the body
• The feathers were not too scattered, but there was a feather trail
• It happened in daylight
• The turkeys are free range without their wings clipped
• Egg shells were nearby so she may have been nesting
• A duck that was nesting sort of close to her remains was attacked but not killed, though some of her eggs were eaten
She was almost three months old and she was an early layer. Don’t they usually take the neck and head?
She was almost three months old and she was an early layer. Don’t they usually take the neck and head?
This has happened to me twice, once encountering a perfectly halfed rooster in the morning (upper body untouched) and the second instance, finding another rooster, this time during the day while working in the same pasture. The kicker, per say, I do not own a flock as well as the second deceased bird was found by hay laid no more than 15 minutes before.

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