what is this? chick was born with it *(GRAFIC)*


8 Years
May 26, 2013
bremerton washington
It was day 22 and I had to assist a chick and this is what he was born with! He didn't make it but not sure what happened. Has anyone ever had this happen before?

unabsorbed yolk sack

that chick was not ready to hatch and you helped it out

bad move

that chick may not make it as it looks infected
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Gee Misty.... that is so sad....
Well at least you tried to help get it out so it might have a chance to live.....
Nothing you can do, if that is in fact an infection .... it sure doesn't look normal...
It looks like it's full of hair and veins .... nothing like the color of an egg yolk....
It's for the best that it passed...... I know it's sad ... but these things happen sometimes.... =(
live chicks from now on.
Unless the chick has zipped though a portion of the eggshell, it's best to not help. I have found that eggs that are just pipped and nothing else happens usually have something wrong and it's best to leave them alone. Now those that have started zipping the shell and then stop and don't progress anymore, I do help, after waiting a few hours to see if they start up again. Those chicks are usually "stuck" to the shell for some reason and can't finish. Also, I agree, that is an unabsorbed yolk that is discolored for some reason. Could indeed have been infected.

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