What is the most common time of the day a goat will give birth?


12 Years
Jan 10, 2008
S.E Kansas
I have a boer goat that is expected to kid soon. What time of day is most common? Is it in any way related to when you feed them? I just figured if I knew what was common then I could expect her to do the opposite.
I bred Boer goats for over 10 years now.....I have never seen a set time.

First thing in the morning, my goats have them thru the night and I get a surprise in the AM----any time during the day-----any time mother nature says it is time.

Feed at 7 am and go back at 8 cause you forgot something and boom, there are kids...LOL

but yea with a goat anything is possible. Tell her to kid out at night and then expect a AM delivery...HA HA HA
Nighttime births are fairly rare. Some people say that it is affected by the amount of food in their stomachs, some say the temperature, but I honestly think that they only time that goats choose their kidding times is when they are cranky and want to keep you up all night in the worst storm in 30 years.

My girls like middle of the day births, which is annoying. I never get to see little wet babies:love
Monitor your girl, watch for when her pinbones go horizontal; expect the kids within 24 hours.
Good luck!!!
If there is one thing I have learned about goats its that they are completely unpredictable. I thought this perticular doe would have her baby a week ago. Still nothing. At least goats teach me patience.
I check the pinbones every day and every day I think this is it. Then nothing. I have heard that when they are gone it is unmistakable. I have had several does give birth, all of them before I could check them. I still don't know what it is supposed to feel like.
do you guys pen your doe by herself for kidding?? and if so when do you start penning her up?? I have 3 bred does and a silly billy....

I'm worried that the billy will but or stomp on the babies... Is this a rational fear??

I would pent the buck up in his own pen. Normally they wont hurt the babies but you never know and sometimes the girls will give off a scent and he will try breeding them. I dont let my bucks run with my does at all...I dont like surprise births...

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