What is the best way to "dispatch" of raccoons and other predators?

Ewe Mama2

10 Years
Mar 26, 2009
Northeastern Ohio
I just lost my fourth Khaki Campbell duckling to what I believe was a raccoon or stray cat. I ordered a havahart trap (#1085) and am planning to set it up as soon as it arrives.

What I'm wanting to know is, what is the best way to "dispatch" with the critters causing the problems? We do not own a gun, nor are we comfortable with the thought of owning one. (We have five very young children. We are also foster parents which would require jumping through a million hoops to get a weapon ok'd, etc.)

Are there any safe, quick, humane ways of taking care of the critters without getting too close and exposing ourselves to harm? Any suggestions?

I'm so angry with myself for not shutting the ducks into their house earlier, but I truly thought that they were ok. When I went out to lock them in at 9:20, one was missing. I can't be angry with the predators; they are just doing what is natural for them, but I don't want animals that are possibly carrying diseases to take over my yard.

Thanks for your help!
Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins. Tie a rope to the trap before you set it. Then when the critter is caught, off to a 55 gallon drum of water.

I used to think the local canal would be fine, but that attracks an audience, some of whom are not appreciative of this procedure. Go with the 55 gallon drum.

While drowning them is probably not very humane, it is definately one of the safest ways for you to remove them from the trap.

And it is definately not humane for you to leave the predator alone to continue preying on your pets.
if you can't use guns, use poison instead. Some fly poison with either jelly or cokacola works... but be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry careful, it kills pretty much anything that eats/drinks it.
I've always heard poison is painful. How would it compare to drowning? I wouldn't know, they both sound cruel and I've always had access to guns. It is a sticky situation the OP is in, though, with the fostering and all. I really wish there was a handy chart that spelled out methods of death and the pain caused, just so people could weigh their options more easily.

I hope you find your solution.
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