What is my Cockerel doing?


Nov 5, 2023
Sulphur Springs Texas
I have a 4 month old Ayam Cemani Cockerel he has 6 girls and 4 more will be joining soon. When I go into the run he does the cutest dance around my feet. He also allows me to pick him up. When I sit down with him in my lap he jumps up and down on my legs. What is he doing? Is this a dominant think?
I have a 4 month old Ayam Cemani Cockerel he has 6 girls and 4 more will be joining soon. When I go into the run he does the cutest dance around my feet. He also allows me to pick him up. When I sit down with him in my lap he jumps up and down on my legs. What is he doing? Is this a dominant think?
The Dance has a few different meanings.

Knowing what his intentions are early on will tell you if he's actually being human aggressive, or not. Following, & trying to peck at your feet, or pulling at your pants legs are a couple indicators of human aggressive behavior early on.

Hello I like you(Mating Dance, & Greeting)

Back Off I'm Boss(Show of Rank/Dominance)

Challenge for a Fight(Dominance/Aggression)
When a male chicken drops his wing down, stomping his legs around someone else while going in a circle around them, this is called the wing-dance. There are two very different reasons for a male to wing-dance. When a male is wing-dancing at a female, he is trying to show how attractive he is, and he is telling her that he likes her. He does the breeding purr while wing-dancing and may try to mate her if she is willing. The primary reason for a male chicken to be wing-dancing towards a human is aggression—although, it can be used as a friendly greeting. If your chicken is cuddly an affectionate toward you, then he will wing-dance as a friendly greeting and to show you that he loves you, like he would with a hen. If he is not affectionate toward you whatsoever, then he is telling you to back off, get out of his space, and do not mess with his females or get close to him. The wing-dance used for aggression is a warning to back off. If you don't back off, attacking will follow.

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