what is going on? day 24 - 2 hatched evening of day 21, 12 chicks still alive but lots of fluid in egg with large vessels


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2024
Sorry, this will be a complicated long post but I am trying to figure out what may be going on with my eggs. I have incubated and hatched maybe 5-7 different "batches" over the years and have never had anything like this happen.

I set 15 straight run mixed breeds of eggs. Three brown eggs and 12 white. I know my humidity was too high for the first 17 days (50-60%). I quit turning the eggs on day 19. Two of the brown eggs hatched early on the morning of day 22. The white eggs seem to be days behind the others in terms of development. In candling them over the last 2 days the air sacs are increasing in size and there are still thick vessels across the membrane. Still appears to be quite a bit of fluid in the eggs. It also appears that the yolk is present up very high on the sides of the eggs, very close to the air sac. Could this happen if the eggs weren't turned for a period of time during a pivotal point in development? Or is that where the yolk normally is?
The chicks are very much still viable. Obviously kicking and putting pressure on the internal membrane.

And can anyone fathom a reason why the 12 white eggs could be so far behind? I have a circulated air incubator and I moved the eggs around in location within the incubator so I don't think it would be due to hot/cold spots. I don't think any of the eggs were sat on by a hen because the brown eggs didn't hatch early.

I am totally befuddled here but it would be a shame to lose them now if they are still obviously alive and kicking'!

(Also wondering if anyone can link to a good article showing all the warning signs such as clouding or other signs of a nonviable chick?) Thank you!
id recommend just not getting overly anxious or trying to do too much .. yes ive seen some be like 4-5 days later than the initial hatchers .. if i see kicking in just one i close it back up and just wait, dont worry about getting dead ones out at that point and opening the bator and handling them alot, that will wind up being the most negative factor to the ones left alive .. just leave em be, wait for the pips .. now after the next live 'wave' hatch then id go through it good and get rid of duds being sure theres not a kicker left ...

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