what is considered too cold for quail chicks at 3 weeks?

I get why people tend to be overly cautious with the little guys. The better safe than sorry philosophy is, well, better than sorry. Nobody wants to kill babies with a mistake. I feel it myself.
That said, most of the online guidance I found when looking to get them seems copy/pasted from chicken brooding. "95° for first week, lower by 5° a week…"
The quail develop so much faster than chickens and between advice from quail breeders I got later and then my own experience, I learned that is mostly inaccurate. I brood inside, the house is at around 70°. Starting with a ceramic heat bulb over a thermometer, the hot spot right under it at 95-100°. I knock that back a few degrees a day starting around half a week. At ten days, the heater comes out. Then they go outside at 3 weeks. If it’s cool enough out there, they’ll get some outdoor time in the brooder during the day first to get used to temp fluctuations and something below room temp. But by 5 weeks, they’re basically temp-hardy enough for winter.
I get why people tend to be overly cautious with the little guys. The better safe than sorry philosophy is, well, better than sorry. Nobody wants to kill babies with a mistake. I feel it myself.
That said, most of the online guidance I found when looking to get them seems copy/pasted from chicken brooding. "95° for first week, lower by 5° a week…"
The quail develop so much faster than chickens and between advice from quail breeders I got later and then my own experience, I learned that is mostly inaccurate. I brood inside, the house is at around 70°. Starting with a ceramic heat bulb over a thermometer, the hot spot right under it at 95-100°. I knock that back a few degrees a day starting around half a week. At ten days, the heater comes out. Then they go outside at 3 weeks. If it’s cool enough out there, they’ll get some outdoor time in the brooder during the day first to get used to temp fluctuations and something below room temp. But by 5 weeks, they’re basically temp-hardy enough for winter.
good to know! since we were still building, our quail went out at 4 weeks but are doing fine with the temperture. I could assume they could go out at 3 weeks, they grow so fast.

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