What in the sam hill am I looking at??


In the Brooder
Oct 31, 2023
One of my Golden Comets laid this thing. I have 2 Golden Comets and two new Leghorns. For months now only one of the Golden Comets has been laying, whereas previous they both had been every single day. I wasn't terribly worried, otherwise they both seem quite healthy and I thought one might be nearing the end of her laying days (I bought them as adults and really have no idea how old they are).
And then while I was away for 5 days, my husband sent me a photo of this egg he found in the nest. 2 white eggs, a brown egg, and this brown blob. It had 3 points on it, very, very fragile shell, and hard but not solid lumps on the inside of the shell. The yolk also had a substantial glob on the outside. The next day there was another small round brown egg, also fragile, but less distorted and no globs on the inside. And since then we are back to one perfect brown egg a day from the other hen.....
So again I ask WHAT IN THE SAM HILL???

Edit: I have reposted this here from the "egg" thread on the suggestion of another member. It has been suggested that it may be a lash egg?
I should mention that they all eat plenty of oyster grit with gusto every day and the shells are usually very hard, not this paper thin thing.


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I tried a variation of a home remedy for salpingitis posted by another member of this site.

3ml of Corid

3ml of Verm-X

3 amoxicillin tablets, crushed

A single drop of oregano essential oil

Roughly 1/2 Tablespoon of local honey

About a teaspoon of water.

I've given each of my 2 Golden Comets 1.5 ml each evening in a syringe. I still can't be absolutely certain which girl laid the lash eggs, but I have a feeling it was the one acting a little depressed (thought she was depressed over the flock changes, losing her favorite bullying victim and gaining two leghorns that are two fast or stubborn to be bullied).

But now I think she was the salpingitis victim because she's perked up significantly over the last few days, her appetite has increased, and she's more social and vocal. There was a single busted shell-less egg under the roost (looked like a deflated ivory balloon). Really hoping no one popped it and ate it.

Anyway, I'll keep it updated how the hens are doing and if it seems like the medication slurry is doing it. I doubt the hen in question will ever lay again if it was salpingitis, but as long as she doesn't die a miserable death, whatever. 😆

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