What gender and what kind of mutt Are these


Jan 14, 2024
Hatched these from eggs from a friend. Any idea what kind of mix they may be? Also guess on gender?
9 chicks.jpg
Hmm maybe some better pics would help. Thise splotchey ones look almost identicle to my Cuckoo Maran mix when she was a chick. Where did you get them?
Looks like some are barred. If the hen who laid the egg is barred and and the rooster is not, then the barred are cockerels and the solid are not. If the parents are a mixed assortment/ rooster is barred, then if won't work that way.
Looks like some are barred. If the hen who laid the egg is barred and and the rooster is not, then the barred are cockerels and the solid are not. If the parents are a mixed assortment/ rooster is barred, then if won't work that way.
they have both barred roos and hens. also they have black star production and a lot of others.
they have both barred roos and hens. also they have black star production and a lot of others.
So....that doesn't help determining anything. Ok. If any if the barred look like they're white with black stripes, they're roos. The barring is on the Z gene. Roos are ZZ and hens are ZW. However, when you have a barred roo and a non-barred hen, ALL the babies are barred, but only 1 copy: Z(barred)Z(not-barred) and Z(barred)W(not-barred). (It's not actually written that way, but it clears up the "what do all those letters and symbols mean?".) All of those chicks will need to wait for other signs to determine gender, usually 6-8 weeks. If any pop a rusty red patch on the shoulder (not wing feathers), that's also a male. Otherwise you're on comb & wattle growth watch.

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