What fashionable cooks are wearing these days...

Buff Hooligans

12 Years
Jun 11, 2007
A custom made TERRIE LACY Chicken Apron


REVERSIBLE! (Note clever chickenwire pattern...)

DETAILS in fabric:

Note the clever double pocket design:

Follow this link if you are interested in more of Terrie's neato creations:

Disclosures: No chickens or sewing machines were harmed in the making of this apron, or so
Terrie Lacy tells me.

Cannot be worn with pantyhose, although liberal use of lip balm while cooking is always recommended.

And now for the immediate firing of all my laughing office-mates who assisted in the production of these photographs.

Well, well - Look who finally got in front of a camera!

Kudos to terrielacy! A truly nice job. I would commission Ms. TL to make one immediately if I knew my DW would ever wear one. She's a great cook, but prefers getting flour on her clothes to an apron.

So, Buff - You can't wear pantyhose with the apron, huh? How about oversize pleated khaki shorts?

Nice pics!

Thanks AllChook - if it were acceptable in my office, I'd be ROFL.
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if it were acceptable in my office, I'd be ROF giggling.

Start a trend. I would think if anyone could loosen up an office, it would be someone with your wit.

OK, Vanna -back to work! Thanks for sharing.

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