We currently have 2 pied guinea hens one lost her feet due to flying up into the high pines when we had severe winds hit the middle of the day last winter.
They used to live on the second story of our chicken coop, but the last few nights they stayed with the chickens (we allowed it as we currently don't have a male guinea). Then last night we got home after dark and couldn't find them. This morning I hear them calling. I hope they make better choices tonight.
Sorry to hear your keets are unwell. They seem so fragile. I hope they turn a corner soon.

Dave is Lavender, I think, which was unexpected from our pearl adults, but admittedly I know almost nothing about the genetics of their colours šŸ˜³

Dave3 was doing the splits upon hatching so got renamed Spraddle, but did well with little hobbles on and is perfectly normal now :)

I have ordered some hatching eggs for one last go this year to try and widen our gene pool a bit šŸ„°

Anyway, what they did today was flap their new wings (and get on top of the brooder. there will be mayhem soon, so need to put a lid on the box I think before i'm chasing them round the house)

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Thanks. They are actually about to turn a year old this month....
Dave certainly looks like a Lavender. Although, its been two years since I have had lavenders.

Oh yes, they hit a week and a half, and they will be flying all over your house!!
We currently have 2 pied guinea hens one lost her feet due to flying up into the high pines when we had severe winds hit the middle of the day last winter.
They used to live on the second story of our chicken coop, but the last few nights they stayed with the chickens (we allowed it as we currently don't have a male guinea). Then last night we got home after dark and couldn't find them. This morning I hear them calling. I hope they make better choices tonight.
Awe. I love Pies. That poor one who lost her feet šŸ™„
Oh yes, guineas don't make the best night choices. I too hope that they make better choices!
I moved my pair of 2 week old keets into a bigger brooder box with a lid yesterday as they were looking about ready to escape their first home. they were so shellshocked to begin with that they perched on top of the brooder plate all day... fortunately they got brave enough to go underneath it just in time for bed (i'm in the UK and our "summer" has been cool and damp recently so I was a bit worried they might not work it out in time šŸ˜³ )

They're loving having more space, bit of a learning curve for me as I had a pair of chicks in it a month ago and they were so docile, whereas the keets are keen to fly past me every time i open the hatch to do the food/water šŸ¤£

Just put 24 eggs in the incubator, some from our gang and some that i got on ebay. Given the previous hatch rate from these young hens i'm not expecting miracles but hopefully we will get some more before the autumn draws in.

Posting this picture because Nugget looks like one of those country fellas with the grass in her mouth šŸ˜‚
My husband brought me home 9 eggs in May, 6 hatched. They are my first guinea but I have chickens, geese, ducks, and house birds.
I had to cull 2 at about 2 weeks, both developed neurological disorder- one was walking in circles, the other had wry neck that got so bad so quickly, I didn't try to treat it. I got them through it with high protein food, lots of cooked egg and the stress vitamins, with E and selenium.
They were raised by an old chicken mom, and think they are chickens at 6 weeks. Are super tame, sweet birds.
Today, he sweetly brought me home another 5, week to 2 week olds from the same people. I don't have a chicken mom for them, but I'm hoping in a few weeks they can go out with the bigger ones and everyone will be tame.
Every day, they do something cool. Chasing me around equals cool.
They spend a fair amount of time on the doorstep trying the dog houses out for size.

I'd like to know what colours they are- the older ones I'm guessing- just guessing are 3 lavender and 1 porcelaine, new keets look to have a couple porcelaine. The parents- there are quite a few buff dundottes in their flock but none of these keets are. I have seen pictures of a few lavenders they have, they just collect all the eggs and hatch so you don't know what you are getting (except awesomeness)
You can see my older ones up in the rafters, the one that looks white is porcelaine I believe, has partial pearling and same as my D'uccles were.


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