What did you do with your chickens today?

Emma, I love your post. I am sorry about your baby chick. I hope no more get taken. I actually asked St Isidore, Patron St of Farmers to help me, with mine- ever since my giant eagle incident.
How do you fight with your rooster? LOL. I am planning on raising one and I don't want him trying anything on the family if he gets too big for his boots. I do love them when they are little.
Get a Plymouth Rock roo. Be warned, they are huge. They are amazing protectors. Also, silkie Roos, AMAZING. No experience personally, but I’ve heard from friends.
Well this happened yesterday but, we finished getting hardware mesh over the windows and opened up the big window we didn’t get cut out last fall before we moved them in. Lots of air flow now!! And started to remove the plastic off the run.

I also rehung their tire swing with chain and made them another swing.

Got the storage area reorganized too!

Also sharing pics of the amazing score I got at the grocery store for FREE!!! Loving this life hack I discovered for chicken treats, produce that can no longer be sold for human consumption but is perfect fine and great for the birds!!
1/3 of the plastic is off!


The big window is open!! This will be great in the summer time! I’m going to get a piece of plexiglass glass to make it a window for the winter time.

It makes the coop feel so much bigger, and I think the birds like having another view!

Storage area reorganized! I just need to get another work bench made on this wall.

A few more things to do here, but it’s a great start!

I hung the extra feeders from the ceiling to free up room down below.

We had an extra recycle bin so I put their oyster shell and scratch in it.

New improved tire swing!

All for FREE!! This was a great haul!

I think the birds approve
That is such an awesome set up! I did a great thing yesterday. I drove 2.5 hours to do a rooster swap. Same breed and colour. This was to prevent "rooster pot". My baby boy was too good for that. Now both are studs! I got home at dark so the new boy: Sir Lancealot, slept in the carrier cage. tried him in the playpen. Mumma hen nearly killed him through the wire with her deathly look. Not love at first sight... but I am hoping for a love/hate relationship (or rather hate to love!)
So today I picked up the spare coop so he could sleep near them without being massacred. My next question is for how long....?
The hens are 10 weeks but really big in size. The rooster is 14 weeks and approx the size of my 10 week rooster. Mumma went into protective kill mode just through the wire. I thought I might try the baby pullets with Sir Lancealot in the playpen, without mumma, tomorrow? He tried courting her a little but she is hormone hangry with a tad of curiosity.I would love suggestions!

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