What did you do in the garden today?

The leaves on my bucket o' daikon were trying to grow out of the floating row cover that was bungee'ed over the top, so I built a new cover today. The daikon leaves have room to spread now.

I built it with scrap lumber I had laying around, then covered it with previously used floating row cover. Used my jigsaw to cut the bucket size hole out of the OSB. I ran a strip of adhesive foam door gasket material around the bottom of the cover to close up any gaps.

I'll start thinning out the daikon soon. I overplanted on purpose so I could pick and eat the young daikon at thinning time. Roots and leaves are edible.

I keep the radishes covered to keep root maggot flies from laying eggs on my project plants.

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I'm waffling so badly on buying one!
Pull the trigger if you can manage it, is all I have to say. I was waiting for the price to drop, which it hasn't in 10 years. AND I was waiting for the pump technology to improve, which it did by leaps and bounds.
I also wanted to see one in person, which is easy now as many hardware big box carry them, as well as tractor stores.

AND now there are a LOT of people, and therefor YouTube, channels out there with people that are doing the experimenting for me.
Well, it was very cloudy all day and don't ya know as soon as I got home 4pm the rain started! I've been tending to chickens & cleaning water jugs, looking at radar which says no rain...as a constant drizzle falls. While collecting eggs 5 deer ran by. If it was warm I'd garden, but arthritis is aching. I'm going to make dinner, greens with acv & BBQ drumsticks & rice, take a hot shower & chill for the evening.

Mama rabbit & baby rabbit checking out my dirt pile. Lol They were chasing eachother around it then both sat on top.
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Don't mind them eating the weeds. Stay out of the garden please.

Baby is adorable, has a little white mark on her forehead.
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Yesterday, I tweaked something in my right hip, but didn't think anything of it, because nothing hurt. Until this morning. Just call me Ol' Gimpy Sally.

I got the fence redone on the heavy soil garden. It looks much better. Now I have scraps of ok-ish janky-ish fence that I can use for putting around plantings to keep the deer and bunnies away.
Yesterday, I tweaked something in my right hip, but didn't think anything of it, because nothing hurt. Until this morning. Just call me Ol' Gimpy Sally.

I got the fence redone on the heavy soil garden. It looks much better. Now I have scraps of ok-ish janky-ish fence that I can use for putting around plantings to keep the deer and bunnies away.
Sorry about your hip.
I have a lot of that ok-ish janky-ish fence around my garden. I found 50 feet or so of fence all crumpled up and half buried in the woods last year and straightened it out so I could use it. I think it's hog wire. Small spaces at the bottom graduating to larger spaces at the top.

I tore into that clump of zinnia seedlings in the yogurt tub today...


When the neighbor came over to pick up her eggs I gave her a big scoop of the seedlings, then I repotted the largest seedlings, 32 of them which will be plenty. Half that would be more than enough, actually.


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