What did you do in the garden today?

Well, I did it. The pinnch-penny queen, I pulled the cord.
Harvest Right will be here between now and 430pm ( I get free one day delivery from TSC to the house)
I asked DH what he thought about it and he said go for it. So....
We already have a dedicated outlet for it in the pantry room.
I stopped by our little thrift store on the way home and found a really heavy duty sofa side table with a storage area on it for the oil filter pot, and oil, and supplies - $18.
So I guess here we go. LOL
I've got red & a few varieties of green. Why does it seem to be the red lettuce that wilts fastest? Or is this just in my refrigerator?
That's my experience too but I've no idea why.
We got our soap making ingredients in the mail yesterday! I'm pretty excited because I've wanted to try making soap for YEARS. It should also cut our expenses down a bit, which is always nice.

I'd love to see that too please.

One of the bunny kits was out of the nest box this morning, cold and totally limp. It's tummy was flat so it didn't get milk this morning so I brought it in, warmed it up, and got a tiny bit of warm filtered water into it. Once it warmed up it was feeling so much better that it cussed at me and tried to bite me. According to the stuff I read online, it should be okay till Scarlet feeds them again tonight. DP has ordered milk replacer (Wombaroo) so we'll be ready for next time. I don't really want to get into hand raising bunnies but one feeding to get one past a mishap would be nice.
One of the bunny kits was out of the nest box this morning, cold and totally limp.
I have found a few baby pigeons like that, they somehow scoot backwards, to poo over the edge of the nest bowl & actually fall out. Most times it happens when mom & dad pigeons switch places, early morning, but once in awhile it may happen in the night. Gives me a heart attack seeing a cold baby on the floor instead of in the bowl, snuggled under warm mama. I warm them up & most times they are revived.

Once it warmed up it was feeling so much better that it cussed at me and tried to bite me.
A baby pigeon is definitely more grateful for a warm meal of baby bird food formula syringe fed til the crop is full & warm. But putting back under Papa bird is another matter. (mama sits nights, papa sits days) Most of my pigeons are sweet with me, but most papa birds do not likes their kids messed with. I may get an angry coo and a hard slap with a wing, that surprisingly does smart a bit, or they may peck hard or grab ahold of skin and tug & shake the head while still gripping skin, which also smarts. They never draw blood, but they get your attention. 😆 Most of the mamas will coo sweetly & let me check on the kids.
Don't ya just love babies? ❤️

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Cleaning up in the yard today, I saw one of the wild baby bunnies. Too cute!
I also really have no place to put it except my she-shed... 😂 I'd have to bring it out only when I actually want to use it. Not ideal since it looks heavy...

But I'm so jealous of you right now! 😂 I might live vicariously through you for the time being.
OH it's HEAVY. And it now has a story, because nothing I touch is easy. But we're on our way to the park for a long bike ride. So I'll type it out later.
This morning DH said the Freeze Dryer was a good idea. I asked him to check to see what kind of plug/outlet it needed. (The LARGER ones need a dedicated larger outlet and plug.) We checked all the plugs in the pantry and the one I wanted to use is the only one on that circuit and it's fine for use.
I asked if he wanted to go along and he said sure.
We go to next little town over, which has a TSC I prefer, as the customer service is better and it's less traffic and 15 minutes closer than the one on the edges of the big city, which has a high turnover employee and traffic thing going on.
We get to the town TSC and they have 4 in stock, but they look like they'd be tricky to get into the back of my SUV, which is large, but has this dumb lip at the top. So to get things that are a little taller into the truck you have to tilt them in a bit, slide them in and then stand them up. Make sense? The unit has a compressor in it that really shouldn't be laid down, or I'd take the darn thing in the truck no problem. The dryer itself weighs 115 pounds.
I told DH I have free same day delivery while the manager was standing there, and said why kill ourselves getting it home when Same Day was already paid for. The manager said the small town had the same day delivery but it might be today, tomorrow, or even Monday - which is really fine by me, but they don't schedule with you, they just show up and your either there, or they dump and run. I'm not sitting around for 3 days, and the manager said he wouldn't either.
So I asked if I could order what I wanted from the North City store from his computer, and have their Same Day guy run it to me, and he said SURE. So I did. I hit PLACE ORDER at 11am and we drove home.

So I'm working out in the workshop about 1pm and I hear a vehicle roll into the gravel driveway. I don't recognize it as a delivery guy, as the TSC delivery guy has always had one of those large, tall, white, windowless Euro style, stand up in the back type vans. He's brought me all kinds of HUGE things in it - to include a 5 foot high 12 foot long farm gate. What rolled into my driveway was a Mazda SUV ( I think it was a mazda- maybe Mitsubishi) ANYWAY MUCH MUCH smaller than my Giant SUV. I was confused. But who knows how the back opens.

Nope, this thing was a glorified hatchback, more like a mini-minivan thing.
There was my BRAND NEW dryer UNBOXED, and laying on its side, no padding, no nothing - ON IT"S SIDE.
It wasn't this guy's fault, he's just the driver. But what the holy heck. He was also wearing flip flops and could NOT unload it himself. Darn good thing I was home I can't even....How was he going to get it out without dragging it across the metal threshold of his car without scratching or dropping it, and move it to deliver in FLIP FLOPS?!?!?

I was very good and tempered my anger and annoyance. He said he even asked TSC why it was not in a box. The SECOND he left I called Harvest Right to see if the 30 minutes on its side was ok (they said it's not optimal, but should be ok.) Then I called TSC and very nicely unloaded. The manager knows me there and I told her I'm not mad at her but what the holy heck?!
1. I just paid FULL PRICE for the FLOOR MODEL, which she was shocked to learn - as they have some still in boxes.
I don't know how this one has been treated or abused by who and it sits 5 feet from their baby chicken bins. And I don't know how nicely it was loaded. And I said, what if it was a gift?! What if there was important paperwork and pieces in the box that I don't have?? It's different when you go in and all they have left is the floor model and you hem and haw, and the manager decides to discount it to get the floor model out of the way, but this was NOT that.

2.I paid for delivery so it WOULDN"T lay sideways, as recommended - they blew that. I would have happily waited for a tall truck - like normal - had they called and said there wasn't one available today.

She and HR said they would honor all warranty and such. She even offered to send a boxed one out today and replace the display one. But I said we had already wrangled it into the house and up on the table it goes on, and at 115 pounds, that ain't happenin' again today.

She said she was really sorry, with the underlying tone of 'she's going to kill her staff', and she wouldn't like it if she shelled out that kind of money and got a floor model without prior permission, and when I come in for feed next week she's going to give me back a chunk of change, but ARGH! She didn't sound happy about having to open another box to put OUT a floor model now either.

So like it's supposed to, Lilith is sitting upright letting fluids settle. I'll do a test run on Monday and then get up and running, but good glory.

Anyone sick of doing other people's jobs?!

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