What did you do in the garden today?

I moved a volunteer tomato plant into the raised beds. So excited to see my first tomatoes of the season. 🍅
Checked all the beds for insects this morning. My sweet potato slips are doing well after planting.

And into the garden I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.
We were supposed to get rain yesterday. All we got was wind and still getting gusts this morning.

So today I will water. Maybe do a rain dance at the garden. :lol:
I'd like to do a dance to send some of our rain to you! Yesterday it wasn't supposed to rain until later...yeah right, whole day was like someone turning the shower on, hard rain 15 min, then off again for 20 min or up to 40 min, just long enough to make ya think it's not going to rain again & ya get everything back out. Back & forth...chickens in, chickens out, me dragging yard work tools out then in, then out, then in...what a PITA! I was so determined to get 1 thing completely done, just check 1 thing off of the list...Nope, didn't happen. Then loud storms all night long, wind & thunder plus aching back equals No Sleep. I'm hurting today! And more rain this morning! Yes, I truly wish I could gift you some of this rain! 🌧
View attachment 3799167I moved a volunteer tomato plant into the raised beds. So excited to see my first tomatoes of the season. 🍅
Checked all the beds for insects this morning. My sweet potato slips are doing well after planting.

And into the garden I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.
That's a beautiful sight! 😍 Baby tomato...can't wait for mine to appear, too.
I am so not a pink girl, but I bet it would look great full of flowers!
Pink pots do make yellow flowers pop, or they're good for indoors house plants. I gravitate to terracotta, tan, Wedgewood blue or green pots outside, but when I got several muti colored pots on super clearance, I grabbed them up. They're perfect for planting indoor plants & people like to try & match pots with their interior decor. My house plants are awesome for air quality & they really grow so well, I root babies or cuttings then give plants as gifts. The pretty various color pots are very cheerful, with nice green plants in them. 🪴 You never know who will grab what color either, that 1 pot you think is not attractive...somebody wants it!
Same here. I thought about sticking some bean seeds in the dirt but it really is just too early.
This time of year, we bounce from freezing at night to near 90 during the day. It's hard to resist the siren call of plants at the big box, many can't, but I know better.
The pop up garden center does banner business, usually repeat business, by selling veg this time of year. People plant it, and it OC dies by the second week of May. People rebuy, replant, and we'll get a late chill or hailstorm, and then the pop up places are gone and the big box are selling snow shovels by early June and poof, people have lost a garden season.

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