What did you do in the garden today?

Here in Northwest Florida I've been harvesting broccoli and have a few random potato plants that popped up! Tomato and eggplant were started from seed and will be ready to put out in a few weeks. My beds are almost ready. Moved soil around the new chicken coop and will plant wildflowers and sunflowers 🌻.
Wow you just reminded me I saved some seeds from a neighbor's awesome tomatoes last summer. I'm going to plant them indoors today! Yum, they were so great, cherry tomato size but orange in color, sweet & tart, I popped them into my mouth like they were grapes. 😋
Neighbors have horses, I milked cows as a teen, a friend west of me has Ducks, Turkeys, Guineas & Chickens & although I've got a nose like a bloodhound, the only critters that stink bad to me are pigs (when many are forced to be in a small area) & groundhogs (their poop is surprisingly potent). Of course some humans have extremely potent poo, too. 😆 Usually we get warned ahead by nasty smelling farts...ever be stuck waiting in a line when someone cut one? Stinky!
We have turkey farms here. So it's a bit more overwhelming than just a couple of back yard birds. That said, a friend did have 6 and I'm not sure the conditions were ideal. They smelled so horrible. But I'm with you on pigs/hogs. That's an amount of ammonia I cannot handle. There are places in Iowa I drive through that, well, I almost need a sick bag in the car. It's too overpowering for the car filters, even with the vents shut, and too long a stretch of road to hold your breath.
We have turkey farms here. So it's a bit more overwhelming than just a couple of back yard birds. That said, a friend did have 6 and I'm not sure the conditions were ideal. They smelled so horrible. But I'm with you on pigs/hogs. That's an amount of ammonia I cannot handle. There are places in Iowa I drive through that, well, I almost need a sick bag in the car. It's too overpowering for the car filters, even with the vents shut, and too long a stretch of road to hold your breath.
Yup, I'm familiar with some stretches of roads like that & yes, it is always pigs. A friend of mine had 1 pet pig, no stench at all, so I guess it is when many are kept in 1 place...darn shame because my friend's pig was so clean & usually smelled like baby powder. I guess anyone is gonna stink if forced to hang out long term right where they poop. 💩
I have a couple Mulefoot hogs. Everyone that comes over can't believe we have any as they can't smell them. It's really about space.
We had turkeys too, and they never smelled. Again it's a space issue, they need plenty. They just would never shut up and it annoyed me so we sold them.
My Guineas can be noisy. A neighbor down the road thought I had some alarm always going off 😆
Guineas actually stink worse than chickens. But it's comparable to a horse stall, not bad, you smell that earthy smell when cleaning the area itself, not any other time. I guess I'm odd, it doesn't bother me. I can definitely smell when a bird is not feeling well though, either not well poo or a sour crop. Sometimes the bloodhound nose is a curse, but most times I guess it can be a blessing when it comes to catching a health issue early on.

I planted Mint, Marigolds & Lavender plants around the coops. I mostly smell those. ❤️
For the driving in areas that have extreme odor my son turns the AC on full blast. It worked driving past the slaughter house. 🤢 Today I got the battery operated drill holder. Temu refunded my money because I didn't get it in under a month so now it's mine to keep. I repotted my 4 poinsettia plants they didn't look very good but I will see if they survive.
The turkey poop can be smelly. I feed fermented feed and it's not as bad.

I had about 3 DZ heritage turkeys of various ages left before thanksgiving. I have been harvesting the boys. 3 girls are getting picked up Thursday.... hopefully, it an FB sale so who knows if they will show. That will bring me down to 9 boys and I think 14 girls. Need to harvest a few more jakes before they start breeding.
Yep, that's exactly how I do it - to a T! It must just be my machines - just a greasy mess & I hate cleaning them. Maybe I'll try again next time & see how it goes.
Maybe you fill it too close to the top...? That's the only thing I can think of. The only thing that comes out of the openings on the top of mine is steam.

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