What did you do in the garden today?

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I don't have time to catch up, I'm still struggling to get this new coop put together. Almost there. It's an 8 foot by 6.5 foot walk in with a 9.5 by 6.5 chicken run. Right now I need some clarification / advice on heated waterer pads. I've ordered 2 and I keep getting these huge 15 inch diameter heaters Is this normal? My waterers are half that size. The large 2 gallon top fill galvanized waterer I've been using might work on it but it's starting to rust. I ordered a 2 gallon plastic bottom fill waterer but my experience with that type is they leak. Help!
I think it was a cricket that was eating my plants. I saw one jump out of the grow bag last night when I went to check up on my plants. I manage to put some Captain Jacks Spinosad powder on it while it was jumping away. My Kajiri melon seedlings were still there in the morning.

I planted a mango melon seedling in the spot where the eaten Kajiri melon seedling was planted.

Kajiri melon:

Mango melon:
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So for those of you that have made pumpkin pies and then frozen them, do you bake them first and then let them cook before freezing?
Do you just put it all together but don’t bake and then freexe?
What’s the best way that you have found to package them for the freezer?
Thanks. 😊
I was going to process some of my meat chickens ( way past due!) but am slightly under the weather so I’m taking it easy today ( and probably tomorrow too).
Drainage, scratchy throat and tired. 😞
You can bake your pie, cool completely, and then wrap it well.
You can pour it in and freeze it, and then wrap it as soon as it's frozen.
again, wrap it well.
I wrap it in plastic and then in foil.

I let the frozen uncooked pie thaw a couple hours in the fridge before baking as usual.
*******I prefer to bake and freeze that, and then just let it thaw totally in the refrigerator.****

Sorry you've the mystery plague.
Happy Belated Thanksgiving all!

Mincemeat (apples & raisins)


(the 6 large eggs the recipe calls for equalled 11 bantam pullet eggs!)

The Aldi's pie crust packaging was great. Each crust was rolled in a parchment paper!

My cranberry sauce also has the zest and juice of one orange, but it is simmered with cinnamon sticks and whole cloves until the cranberries all pop. Then I stir in Mandarin oranges and some sugar. Don't have a photo, I forgot.

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