What did you do in the garden today?

If anyone has a suggestion to accomplish that type of setup, please let me know. Thanks.
That would work with a Dutch Bucket set up, this is a link to a manual set up and a pump DYI Dutch Bucket set up. I recently bought Bato buckets from amazon but didn't set it up yet (Bato video). Last video uses no perlite, but pump is left on 24/7, root grows down into solution like Kratky.

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Nope. My neighbors leave me alone and vice versa. The only one that tried to be nosy was actually from a big city. My husband was target practicing. We live on 5 acres and he back stops, etc. He was facing easterly and shooting down a ravine.

The city guy showed up with his daughter on our doorstep. His daughter said she "saw" the bullets whizzing through the trees. They lived to the west of us several acres away through 2 acres of trees. When we pointed out we weren't even shooting in that direction, he called the police - who probably informed him we were doing it safely because we haven't had any more problems from him.

When I lived in an HOA that was a new level of nosy. Now, 5 acres of woods and no nosy neighbors at all
I’ve never lived rurally, but I’m currently the metro area, but in a more neighborhoody part. Our neighbors vary, and fortunately we don’t have anyone whose super nosey. Our neighbor immediately next door to us is kind of like the neighborhood watch guy. Friendly, but definitely on the up and up with everything. We chat over the fence frequently. I appreciate it since it feels like he’s on the lookout for us.

Although one afternoon he told my husband that he didn’t want out Japanese maple growing too tall and blocking out the sun, and asked us to prune it this winter. 🤷‍♀️I kind of just shrugged because it’s location wouldn’t really allow for that much more sun. I guess I appreciate him communicating it to us rather than steaming about it. I was getting a little leggy.
Good afternoon gardeners. Today has busy, we’ve been outside pretty much all day. Hubs is almost done putting the wire up around the raised beds. I transplanted three of the dragon fruits. One had a bad spot on it so I tossed it. I’m using a mixture of five bricks of coco coir and three bags of lava rock over several inches of gravel. You can see the sun scald damage to the one plant from just a day and a half in our sun.

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