What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning all. It’s nice and cool this morning. I forgot to fix the planter around one of the lilacs yesterday and it was mess by nightfall. The chickens were in it as soon as they were done with their scratch. Fixed it for now with some welded wire and blocks, once the trunk is bigger it shouldn’t be a problem. Rotten chickens.
The quail came to have some scratch this morning and then hung out while I worked in the yard.

@gtaus I think it was you that asked about the water reservoir in my advanced garden beds. This what they look like. There’s no overflow hole so I’m going to drill one before I fill the bed with soil.

This is going to be my hugel bed. I have enough cardboard, but logs and stuff might be an issue. I may have to fill it in with cuttings from various shrubs that have been drying since Spring

There’s no overflow hole so I’m going to drill one before I fill the bed with soil.

As I look at your pictures, you might not need to drill an overflow hole into it. I suspect that the water would overflow the top of the pan and drain out the bottom OK. The walls of the container are bolted together and don't look watertight. Other than the pan in the bottom, I don't think that container was built to be watertight.

:idunno I might suggest you just overflow that pan with water and see how fast it drains out. In my planters, the bottom 8 inches were watertight, so I needed to drill in an overflow hole at 3 inches for the 4 inch drainpipe I used in my planter. If not, I would have drown out my plants.
As I look at your pictures, you might not need to drill an overflow hole into it. I suspect that the water would overflow the top of the pan and drain out the bottom OK. The walls of the container are bolted together and don't look watertight. Other than the pan in the bottom, I don't think that container was built to be watertight.

:idunno I might suggest you just overflow that pan with water and see how fast it drains out. In my planters, the bottom 8 inches were watertight, so I needed to drill in an overflow hole at 3 inches for the 4 inch drainpipe I used in my planter. If not, I would have drown out my plants.
I was thinking along those lines too, it’s definitely not watertight. Maybe I’ll leave it that way and try it out first, I can add a bunch of perlite to the soil I put in there, especially toward the bottom.
I was thinking along those lines too, it’s definitely not watertight. Maybe I’ll leave it that way and try it out first,

Yes, I would try it out first, filling it up with water, without any soil in the planter. Just fill it up with water and see how well it drains. I suspect your setup might not need a drain hole.
Thanks!! I cut 2 off & then left some others on just to experiment. How should I dry them inside? In the dark? Should I rotate them every day?
Just leave them in a dry place, if you can put them on a net that’ll be best, but if you can’t, just rotate them every few days. It will take about a month for them to dry enough for you to clean them. They’re supposed to make a children toy’s noice when they’re ready

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