What did you do in the garden today?

LOL. while you have your coffee, I'd be sucking down an energy drink if it was my morning time.

Ugh, I did bugger all today except clean house and used Sunday for rest instead. Neighbors were having a party apparently that I slept through. I'm trying to decide what to do with a free 200L kratky pot and part of me wants to just try stacking some more leafy greens in like Kankong with Egyptian Spinach. But if I did that I think I'd only use so much NPK and put more cal nitrate in and just keep cutting and cutting back. Kankong loves the water so if you are a person that loves to water things, KK will reward you! I'm really thinking I should have direct sowed my garlic chives instead of in a seedling tray.
I’ve never tried Kankong, or Egyptian spinach. I’m going to have to look up KK, what do you use it for?
I’ve never tried Kankong, or Egyptian spinach. I’m going to have to look up KK, what do you use it for?
Mostly for the chooks LOL! I did try cooking it with butter and garlic once but that didn't go so well. It was good but I think it needs combining with other things. The chooks devour it real fast and it kinda grows like long blades of grass. It does good in the heat as well.
Morning. Nice day out, blustery, but the rain finally stopped. Will grab the sungolds & cover the lettuce/spinach as it's supposed to frost. I think it is anyway, I slept till 9:30 & missed the weather. :lau Leaves are starting to come down, hopefully it doesn't rain any time soon so we can bag some up for the winter. Straw was almost $14 a bale. :thI'd rather save leaves, lol.
Mostly for the chooks LOL! I did try cooking it with butter and garlic once but that didn't go so well. It was good but I think it needs combining with other things. The chooks devour it real fast and it kinda grows like long blades of grass. It does good in the heat as well.
I found some seed so I’m going to try it. Mild tasting greens are key with some of the family members, ie the kids. I’ll give it a try in the shade garden, we’re setting up a small DWC system out there.
The company I worm for has opened a nursery. So a lot of seedling work over there.
I need to complain about work, and I think you will understand me. This guy came with his son to buy some seeds, the son seemed thrilled to learn, he can just put the carrots and what not directly in the ground. The father on the other hand, was an idiot, and wanted to sow everything in a tray before, so that he can wait before getting proper plant pots. Really stupid, I told him the carrots would most likely grow weird if they were put in a tray, and the kid said he wants to grow lettuce or something that will BENEFIT from spending time in the tray. Father said he wants carrots and radishes. So I explained to him there was no need for him to sow them in the tray, he insisted that the tray looks neat and he wants to get hem in the tray, so I told him that cabbages will like the tray but carrots do NOT like trays. Eventually I just left, I could not deal with his stupidity.
Anyone growing native Asters? I have white and light blue types growing wild. Thinking of pinching - cutting back next year to get shorter bushier plants. Might be worth moving some to a better spot. Not sure of the exact species. I will try to get pics.
I have wild aster all over my 'lawn'. It kind of gets bushier if you hack it back, like I let my mower do. LOL.
Mostly for the chooks LOL! I did try cooking it with butter and garlic once but that didn't go so well. It was good but I think it needs combining with other things. The chooks devour it real fast and it kinda grows like long blades of grass. It does good in the heat as well.
You should put the spinach (molokhiya) in your soups or cook it like that (recipe):
1) Fry onion rings with some olive oil until transparent.
2) throw molukhiya inside.
3) lower the fire.
4) add half cup water.
5) when the leaves change colour and there’s is not much water left, add some lemon juice (as much as you like) and salt.
6) cook for two minutes then add Baharat. A lot of baharat!
7) turn the fire off, taste and see if more salt, lemon or baharat is needed.
8) pour some olive oil (Syrian in best) on top.
9) serve
The company I worm for has opened a nursery. So a lot of seedling work over there.
I need to complain about work, and I think you will understand me. This guy came with his son to buy some seeds, the son seemed thrilled to learn, he can just put the carrots and what not directly in the ground. The father on the other hand, was an idiot, and wanted to sow everything in a tray before, so that he can wait before getting proper plant pots. Really stupid, I told him the carrots would most likely grow weird if they were put in a tray, and the kid said he wants to grow lettuce or something that will BENEFIT from spending time in the tray. Father said he wants carrots and radishes. So I explained to him there was no need for him to sow them in the tray, he insisted that the tray looks neat and he wants to get hem in the tray, so I told him that cabbages will like the tray but carrots do NOT like trays. Eventually I just left, I could not deal with his stupidity.
I probably would have told him to get his head out of his dirty back side and clean the stink out of his ears and listen. Lol. I don't do stupid people.

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