What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning all. I saw daytime highs in the 80’s in our forecast! :clapFinally! I’m hoping we make a bunch of progress on the raised beds today. I’m not planning to grow anything through Winter, but I don’t want to be under pressure to get them filled and ready to go in Spring. The boys are going to help move some lumber for me and I have to finish leveling and put down the weed barrier. I need to go get staples for that this morning though.
What varieties do you have if you don't mind me asking? I was going to try the red skinned white flesh fruit and then the red skinned red flesh fruit and I know there's also a yellow variety. One thing I didn't take pictures of was my passionfruit kratky which is going really well. I like passionfruit quite a bit but can never seem to grow it that well. I'm curious to see how much it drinks in the heat.
The four I have are the red skin and flesh, but I want to try the red skin/white flesh variety also. That’s what I was looking for last night. Our big box stores sell the plants two to a gallon container for $20. I saw plants on Amazon a little cheaper, $15, for two good sized cuttings.

Hoocho uses the water to waste method, I have concerns about nutes getting into the soil as I’ve read that isn’t a good thing. Not sure how I can get around that.
The four I have are the red skin and flesh, but I want to try the red skin/white flesh variety also. That’s what I was looking for last night. Our big box stores sell the plants two to a gallon container for $20. I saw plants on Amazon a little cheaper, $15, for two good sized cuttings.

Hoocho uses the water to waste method, I have concerns about nutes getting into the soil as I’ve read that isn’t a good thing. Not sure how I can get around that.
Ooo nice. I checked ebay as well and they seem to have some interesting colors out there with one being purple. Bad for the soil maybe, but I remember looking at the weeds where the water would come from the drain and they were the best damn looking weeds I ever did see. Mongrels to pull up as well.

Nothing to grow during winter at all? I once visited USA and I absolutely loved the snow. I don't get it here but I could just imagine how Kale would look all snowed in.
Ooo nice. I checked ebay as well and they seem to have some interesting colors out there with one being purple. Bad for the soil maybe, but I remember looking at the weeds where the water would come from the drain and they were the best damn looking weeds I ever did see. Mongrels to pull up as well.

Nothing to grow during winter at all? I once visited USA and I absolutely loved the snow. I don't get it here but I could just imagine how Kale would look all snowed in.
Collards laugh at snow and ice. :lol:
our first freeze *might* be Sunday night…but the entire following week has lows in 40sand 50s! I’ll take it!

We still have rutabaga, parsnips, peas, turnips, and celery growing, along with some herbs.

Yesterday I picked quite a few very ripe raspberries. So good with vanilla ice cream! Pretty nice for mid October!

Meat chickens are quite large. 4 have died for unknown reasons, but the rest are probably loving the cool weather. They have 10 more days to grow. Butcher date is coming up.

Our 2 goat does (age 18 months) are going to be getting a temporary roommate soon. A buck will join them for 4-6 weeks hopefully resulting in a few spring babies. Having a goat buck will be an interesting, possibly smelly experience. However, the vet assured us that while it might be smelly, it shouldn’t be too bad bc the buck will be housed with the girls rather than trying to impress them from afar…we will see/smell soon enough.
I didn't see a follow up to this regarding how to harvest. Since I have recently have had the fruit landing in my backyard identified as black walnuts, I am going to try to harvest them.

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This appears to be a helpful site:


I didn't get to them yet because other things got in the way, LOL

But I do plan on following up by tomorrow evening. Please keep up to date as to progress as well. 👍
Ooo nice. I checked ebay as well and they seem to have some interesting colors out there with one being purple. Bad for the soil maybe, but I remember looking at the weeds where the water would come from the drain and they were the best damn looking weeds I ever did see. Mongrels to pull up as well.

Nothing to grow during winter at all? I once visited USA and I absolutely loved the snow. I don't get it here but I could just imagine how Kale would look all snowed in.
I could grow all winter, will probably grow some lettuce inside; I just don’t want to be in a hurry to get things done so I can plant. I don’t have anything started either.
Found this fella hiding in one of my chicken coops. Didn't kill her... Instead I released her in a blackberry patch by the garden. Hoping she kills the damn vole that's causing chaos in my garden...

:caf YouTube search might help with the sounds.

:eek: A few years ago, we had a large cat(s) come across our property around midnight. There were two growls, a low deep growl and a much higher pitched screech. I'm thinking both a male and a female traveling together. My brother and I found a soundtrack on YouTube of mountain lions that was an exact match. Lived here 35 years and that was the first and only time we ever heard that!

Sure put the scare in us, and the family dog was cowering down in the basement and would not budge. Smart dog. :clap

:old In any case, I think it's probably the predatory animal that you DON'T hear that poses the greatest threat.

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