What did you do in the garden today?

Aside from a little drizzle we've not had rain for over a week, so I watered my collards and leaf lettuce. Each of the collards has a plastic pot "collar" so I just fill it up to the top with water. I forgot to take a picture, so here's a photo from 3 days ago.

I also watered the carrots and turnips.

And got THREE eggs!

Speaking of luffa, I went out to the garden this morning to get some fresh parsley for the bunny and discovered a 15-16" mature luffa fruit hiding amongst my grapes and raspberries. No idea where it came from... I had put some compost on the raspberries in the spring so my best guess is that it came from that.

I still have some tomatoes and peppers holding on despite the chilly weather. Everything else is done for the year. Never got around to planting a fall garden.
Today I cut down a small tree, took the log, and inoculated it with mushroom plugs.
Here are two of the logs. Supposedly I will get mushroom in half a year or longer...View attachment 3655133

Then I noticed I have this single red berry on my asparagus plant!
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@lightm - I love your signature: "Support your local community. Local hardware store, local feed store, local grocery. There are always alternative to Amazon." DH bought Shout from Amazon a few months ago and I almost imploded. Cheers!
Ugh, it's not been fun. Dismantling 2 lives (my mom & stepdad who have both passed). They lived 2 hrs away, one way, so it was an effort just to get there. I did do an estate auction through some friends of my mom. I don't know how I could possibly have done this without them... Then I hired a cleaner to get it spotless afterwards before the photographer arrived. The good news is that the house sold in less than a DAY with a cash offer. Now I'm just jumping through all the new hoops to assist the buyers inspection prior to closing on the 30th.
I feel for you and all who've gone through this process. My brother and I did this in 2018 after our mom passed, which is wild that it still feels like yesterday. She had a lot of stuff, but not a hoarder by any means. We also had to deal with her garage that had been housing our grandmothers antique furniture since her passing in '08. We would always go in there and attempt to look through or make decisions, but for my mom and I it was too emotional to be able to act. Just grateful to my bro that he was able to rally so much and get stuff done. I, on the other hand, was a wreck and really leaned on him. It's all hard, in addition to the physical items. Hang in there. And peace be with you and your loved ones.
@lightm - I love your signature: "Support your local community. Local hardware store, local feed store, local grocery. There are always alternative to Amazon." DH bought Shout from Amazon a few months ago and I almost imploded. Cheers!
Thank you. I am certainly still guilty of purchasing on Amazon very occasionally when I am desperate... But starting about half a year ago, we have been buying all meats and dairy from local farms. Something I am very happy about.
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Those 4-inch drainpipes with the socks are very nice. I just use the perforated 4-inch drainpipes and cover the ends with some landscaping fabric. You don't need to cover the entire pipe with a sock. The soil will not seep into the perforations and clog the drain pipe as long as the ends are covered. For me, it saved a little money.

View attachment 3656565

Anyways, for those who don't know, the 4-inch drainpipe fills with water which acts as your water reservoir. Then you need to drill a hole in the sidewall, so the bottom of that hole is at 3 inches on the side. That gives you a 1-inch air gap so your plants don't drown.

:thumbsup Those wicking beds and planters are my favorite because it's impossible to overwater them and the water reservoir lasts for a long time. On my planters, I only have to refill the planter about once a month if we get average rainfall. One summer we had a terrible drought, and I had to refill the reservoir once a week. But the plants in the wicking beds never suffered as they had a constant supply of water. Very nice.

The only drawback to the wicking beds is that you have to invest in that drainpipe. However, there are a number of people who use empty plastic bottles and containers in their wicking beds and that works good for them. I'm saving up some half-gallon milk jugs to see if I can get them to work as well in the wicking planters as the drainpipe works. That would cut down the cost.
I'm really happy with how much water they hold and since there's some hot days coming I'm excited to see how they stand up to the heat. I'm not sure how I'll tackle the bigger IBC because you're right, the draincoils are expensive, like 42 bucks for 8 meters. Vinidex is $138 for 20m. Could do some sort of crate setup instead to create the voids.

Sadly I don't have much garden pics as most of the day was devoted to reconditioning a free coop. Mostly putting a floor in, adding angle legs and latches. This section was part of another bigger section I think and it must of sat on top. Was perfect for the mesh bottom. One thing I don't understand is the little square doors in the mesh where I have patched over with bigger mesh. Part of me laughed and wanted to make some sort of tunnel and call it the conjugal visit.

After it was complete I've moved out to the other 2 quail coops and since there's a door in the middle I've separated the gentle boys from the bad boys (funnily enough they are pharaohs) I've got one known boy in amongst all the girls in the main coop and he is living the life of luxury.

Tomorrow I do want to finish off the other wicking bed and maybe this weekend or sooner start work on another two. I have two more blue drums so should be able to get another 4 out of them. I at least want to fill one with a blueberry type mix and just cut it with the riversand/coco. Another would be strawberries and some chillies. My dad is big into silverbeet so I may try that but I've ran out of the rainbow seeds!

Oh! Almost forgot I went out and got the brushless grinder from ozito. It's kinda weird. I push the button and there's a slight delay as opposed to the dewalt. It certainly rips through some thick angle with the 2mm blade. Now I can set the dewalt up with a grinding disc maybe.


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I was a Red Sox fan from early childhood, went to Fenway a few times. They broke my heart in 1986. The strike just slammed the lid on any future interest for me.
I went to college in Massachusetts in the late 80's, and went to see a game at Fenway with friends who were Red Sox fans. So glad I got to see the "green monster" in person, really cool...but a bird crapped on my head, slopped all through my hair and shoulder, too bad that's my main memory of such a historic ballpark.
Once they traded Justin Verlander, I lost most of my interest.
Understand completely.
I also have a Ryobi tiller universal attachment for power heads that works great and will till up to about 8 inches deep.
I have an attachment like that for my Echo power head, but I've hardly used it since I installed raised beds.
My Ryobi 18v cultivator...
This looks more useful!

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