What did you do in the garden today?

Squash. It’s big! But, will it turn a color? That is the question.

Butternut, produced well, several still waiting to be picked.

Supposed to be a Barbados (or Caribbean?) seasoning pepper, generally mild. But this pepper looks different than the mild pepper pics, and now similar to Scotch Bonnet peppers. Haven’t tried it yet.

The last few days have been gorgeous! But the next 7 days our actual temperatures will be in the 98, 99, up to 101 range before you add the heat index. 😞
My daughter’s baby’s due date was yesterday but no labor yet. I’m predicting she will have him on Sunday. She is scheduled to be induced on the 23rd if she hasn’t had him by then. It doesn’t look like she has even dropped yet.
Today I moved another trailer load of mulch and put down more cardboard and mulch in the church garden. I watered the farm garden, the church garden and my home garden since it’s going to be so hot the next 7 days. I did find 1 small watermelon on the vine and at least 17 pumpkins!
The corn on the cob ( white corn) is ready to be picked at the church garden ( in the community part) so I picked 11 or 12 ears.
Oh, and yesterday I bought 10 Cornish Cross chicks and snuck them home. Trying to keep the grandkids from finding out that they are in the chicken coop until they get much bigger. The 5 year old and the 8 year old love chickens and I fear they would hold them and play with them too much and kill them accidentally. 😞
The dogs are still wiped out from their adventure the other day. Hopefully they are back to normal tomorrow. My hubby is already worried about them. But I think they just really overdid it and are okay otherwise. 🤞
I found colorful one out the other day. Red headed skink this one is I think? I took a pic with phone. I’ve seen these species all they way down the shores of Bahamas. This was in coastal NC at my spot.View attachment 3613152
Blue tailed skink. Those guys frequent my back porch throughout the day between spring and fall.
Thank you! Some one called this morning and our dogs were at their house ( 3/10 of a mile away). The dogs weren’t letting them leave the house. 😞 They even tried feeding them but the dogs were so scared that they barked ( and they have very ferocious sounding barks).
But all was good. The couple was very understanding and we got the dogs and brought them home. They were exhausted, very hungry and thirsty.

:clap Happy ending. Any thoughts on prevention of future escapes?
Canned some peppers yesterday. Hubby wanted a few different types of hot peppers & there wasn't any room in the garden, so we grew them in a greenstalk on the back deck. They are growing so much better than they ever did in the ground in years past! I will try bell peppers in it next year too because I've never had much luck with those either.

What is greenstalk?

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