What did you do in the garden today?

I have started using and saving produce bags. The thin flimsy type. They make a good humidity dome over pots of cuttings or seed. Another use for zucchini is to put some in cucumber, tomato and onion salad. Another one I have is mock apple pie using zucchini. Peel a fair sized zucchini, cut in half lengthwise, scoop out the middle. Cut slices crosswise. They look like apple slices. Put in saucepan and add apple juice. Simmer a bit so you get the apple taste in the slices. Make your pie.
I have green peppers and Roma tomatoes successfully growing in pots. The guinea pigs ate two before the photo was taken.
Picked some beans & watered the ever wilty cucumbers.

Finally made the strawberry rhubarb jam from this years haul. Still more to make eventually, these are going in the freezer - my back says DONE, there will be no waterbathing! I've never tried to freeze jam before, hope it goes well. My grandma always froze her strawberry rhubarb jam so the jam will be fine, I'm hoping the jars are good. I tried to not fill too high. We shall see!
Picked some beans & watered the ever wilty cucumbers.

Finally made the strawberry rhubarb jam from this years haul. Still more to make eventually, these are going in the freezer - my back says DONE, there will be no waterbathing! I've never tried to freeze jam before, hope it goes well. My grandma always froze her strawberry rhubarb jam so the jam will be fine, I'm hoping the jars are good. I tried to not fill too high. We shall see!
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Such pretty color!
This is what my Crocosmia is looking like now. I'm not sure what type of pollinators it attracts. I think hummingbirds will like it.

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Along with the tiny wasps (a little over 1/8 inch long), this pollinator was visiting my parsley plant this morning. Mason Bee????

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I have a new variety/color of zinnia starting to bloom. The first one to bloom was pink. An orange one is blooming now.

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But with all these pollinator plants, I don't understand why I still get zucchinis that don't get pollinated, shrivel, and drop off??? Maybe I'm attracting the wrong type of bugs.
I picked fresh herbs from my garden, including parsley, chives, tarragon, basil, oregano, thyme and rosemary (all started from seeds this spring) and used them to flavor up a cheese omelot I made with fresh, little eggs from my chickens. It was very tasty with a splash of hot sauce.

View attachment 3586690
That looks amazing!!!

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