What did you do in the garden today?

I also made dog treats.

I bought this cute little dog treat maker that was on clearance at Hobby Lobby. It looks like a waffle maker but has 8 bone shape cutouts that you put the dough into.
Anyway my 2 dogs think the treats are fabulous! The pumpkin was canned from a previous year and the spinach came out of this years garden. The egg came from my chickens.
I don't know if deer are considered predators to garden plants, but they sure did a number on my garden last night. I'm trying to accept it as a learning experience, and as bad as it seems I'll survive. And the deer are just "being deer".

Everything they ate will either recover (tomato plants, winter squash plants), or I have time to replant and still get a crop. Kind of breaks my heart seeing every leaf stripped from my red Russian kale plants. And most of the lettuce plants. And most of the bean plants.

So the electric fence was basically a joke to the deer. I actually watched one yesterday evening as it stepped over the 18 inch high outer wire, then dipped to step in between the inner 10" and 24" wires. And it was energized, too.

I removed the entire electric fence setup. I bought 300' (six 50' rolls) of 4x2 welded wire fencing, along with eight or nine 8' T-posts. And T-post clips for the fencing.

I'm attempting to install an 8' high fence around the garden today. It's 81 degrees now, and supposed to get up to 85. And the garden is in full sun for the next several hours.

I'm drinking a whole lot of water and taking cool-down breaks regularly, so I think I can handle it.

Please wish me luck. I'm going to need it. 🤞

before I moved to my new place wild hog and deer spent winters here. with my 2 german shepherds who dig under the fence and escape they are history.
I also made dog treats.View attachment 3565257
I bought this cute little dog treat maker that was on clearance at Hobby Lobby. It looks like a waffle maker but has 8 bone shape cutouts that you put the dough into.
Anyway my 2 dogs think the treats are fabulous! The pumpkin was canned from a previous year and the spinach came out of this years garden. The egg came from my chickens.

lol, This sounds pretty similar to something I would make for myself to eat. 🤣 Lucky dogs!
NO one wanted the old canning shelf, which blows my mind. People that picked up canning and preserving over the last 3 years have already quit. It seems it takes too much work. To me, it's just another season.

Nobody even wanted it for the lumber???
Next garden project is building a hot compost area for the old chicken bedding and manure. What a resource that would be!
Caveat: It's a fair amount of physical labor, with all the turning.

Greenhouse? YES! I use mine for my starts, otherwise I wouldn't be able to start as many or as varied plants as I do. If I'm blessed with sweet potatoes, I'll use it to cure them.

I have grown lettuce and other greens in the winter, but not gotten a lot of production out of it. I need to change my method.
Happy US Independence Day!!

Started off with early morning swim practice for the teen, now teen is doing community service at the high school-doing groundskeeping, it was organized by a fall sports team coach, so teen was motivated to participate.

Looking forward to grilling some steaks over the fire, then watching fireworks later!!

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