What did you do in the garden today?

What do I have all over my pepper and tomato plants? They're skeletonizing the leaves and are burrowing into my green tomatoes!

Tiny caterpillars, less than 1/2 inch, gray striped with red heads. They're new to me:
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I picked off dozens, fed them to my flock.

Army worms, despicable little things.
We got almost an inch & a half of rain!

Everything's climbing, everything's growing. I need to feed it all tmrw. Gonna get DH to pick the rhubarb & freeze it so I can make jam with the strawberries I froze - when I'm more able.

My broody broke. Got a new giant feeder that holds a 50lb bag of feed, makes my life lots easier.

I use cattle panels for cucumbers & squash trellises. Oh, for green beans too.
We got almost an inch & a half of rain!

Everything's climbing, everything's growing. I need to feed it all tmrw. Gonna get DH to pick the rhubarb & freeze it so I can make jam with the strawberries I froze - when I'm more able.

My broody broke. Got a new giant feeder that holds a 50lb bag of feed, makes my life lots easier.

I use cattle panels for cucumbers & squash trellises. Oh, for green beans too.
What do you feed your garden with? I have to set up trellises for my cukes and climbing beans. I might try training a couple of my zucchiinis up a pole this summer to see if it's worth the trouble.
I got my green(ish) thumb going today and planted new little plots of carrots and leaf lettuce, each plot about 2 square feet. When I worked the soil to prep it for planting it confirmed my suspicion that I put way too much organic matter into my beds. One of my beds has mostly mineral soil in it, so this fall/winter I thing I'll be moving dirt around in the beds to make them more hospitable for my veggies. I scraped a few inches of compost heavy soil off the top before I planted the seeds

I have two turnips that are about 2 inches in diameter, but I care less about them than I do the leaves. I love fresh turnip greens!

After sowing the lettuce and carrot seeds I lightly brushed them into the soil, then I dusted over them with a thin layer of sphagnum moss heavy potting soil mix. Watered them thoroughly, then layed cardboard over them to hold in the moisture. I covered the first seeding of carrots this year with a board, and they started coming up in about a week.

There are only a few pea pods left on the vines, so I need to pick them and remove the vines. But I definitely won't pull the roots out. Gotta leave them in the ground because they've been fixing nitrogen, and the roots will add nutrients for the next crop I plant there.

The squash I planted a few days ago are looking pretty good. Maybe having a bit of a hard time adjusting to sunlight, but I think they'll do well.

I still need to get my bean and cuke trellises set up. Maybe tomorrow...

And most important, the chickens haven't invaded my garden for over a week. Sometimes they look longingly through the fence, but they don't jump over.

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