What did you do in the garden today?

I have a book : the practical produce cookbook. It is organized by vegetable. Under cucumbers, there are the usual things, including pickles. But, the different recipes include: cucumber soup (creamy and non-creamy versions), molded cucumber salad (yes, lime jello is used, along with onion, dill, celery…), sautéed cucumbers, and stir fried cucumbers.

I don't know how I missed your comment. That sounds super interesting!
I love cookbooks. I have so many, they don't all fit on the shelf. I was actually considering starting to take them apart and organizing a folder filled with favorites like I do with printed recipes and magazine pages...but I can't bring myself to tear up my cookbooks, lol.
Good morning gardeners. I guess I forgot to check with my companion planting resources before I planted the chard with the butternut squash. Wah! I think I’ll let it germinate and grow then transplant what I can and just compost the remainder. I only have 3 hills of squash in that 4 x 8 bed and they are coming up and looking healthy. I pulled up the baby bok choy. It was still stunted and munched on so it will go to the chickens. I got the cardboard covered up with mulch. I did 2 bags yesterday and another this morning. Still need another bag on there and I need to dig up more cardboard to cover more area. I did some snipping of tiny trees and unidentified weedy looking things on the slope. It’s coming along gradually. I still need to start tossing the tree debris away to make it look a bit more tidy. The happy news today is the mustard I planted awhile ago is coming up finally. I really need to get the wildflowers planted. They’re perennials so I need to plant them carefully. But the whole slope will look a lot different by the end of summer.
A quick check in, work is busy & my new boss is a tool.

I have a broody in jail now. The garden is looking great. Beans have climbed 5 feet & cucumbers are starting to send out tendrils to climb too. Garlic is coming out this weekend & will hang to dry.

We bought a hot tub ( :yesss: ) so all of my gardening stuff has been packed up & put away till the concrete pad is poured & the stone goes in so I have no equipment to garden with. Thankfully I don't have much planted!

Looks like rain is on the way for the next few days, I can thank the PGA/Travelers Championship for that. Always seems to rain on them. But I'm ok with that, lol, we need the rain bad.
A quick check in, work is busy & my new boss is a tool.

I have a broody in jail now. The garden is looking great. Beans have climbed 5 feet & cucumbers are starting to send out tendrils to climb too. Garlic is coming out this weekend & will hang to dry.

We bought a hot tub ( :yesss: ) so all of my gardening stuff has been packed up & put away till the concrete pad is poured & the stone goes in so I have no equipment to garden with. Thankfully I don't have much planted!

Looks like rain is on the way for the next few days, I can thank the PGA/Travelers Championship for that. Always seems to rain on them. But I'm ok with that, lol, we need the rain bad.
I've had several chickens in broody jail over the past 2 months. Got one in there right now. She never sat on eggs but instead tried to usurp another broody's chicks. While normally I wouldn't have cared, every time I tried to enter that coop she would aggressively attack me without provocation. Her aggressive behavior would cause the other broody to trample the chicks with her nervous pacing. So the usurper got thrown into broody jail to rethink her behavior... 😂
I've had several chickens in broody jail over the past 2 months. Got one in there right now. She never sat on eggs but instead tried to usurp another broody's chicks. While normally I wouldn't have cared, every time I tried to enter that coop she would aggressively attack me without provocation. Her aggressive behavior would cause the other broody to trample the chicks with her nervous pacing. So the usurper got thrown into broody jail to rethink her behavior... 😂
Oh wow, can't have trampled chicks! Or attacks. Mine is a beast when broody too. She freaks out in the cage & one day she may just break her neck. I had to buy new food & waters for the cage that are locked in because she jumps & tries to fly in there & knocks everything over. The crate is zip tied to the fencing because she'll knock it over. Crazy biddies!
Oh wow, can't have trampled chicks! Or attacks. Mine is a beast when broody too. She freaks out in the cage & one day she may just break her neck. I had to buy new food & waters for the cage that are locked in because she jumps & tries to fly in there & knocks everything over. The crate is zip tied to the fencing because she'll knock it over. Crazy biddies!
I've had them do that before.... Drives me bonkers
Pulled up the dead pea vines, threw some composting grass clippings over weeds and cardboard in the big pile. I found some huge earthworms that were big enough to be small snakes.

I was going to try to loosen and level the ground by the raised beds, but the sun has come out and it's like a sauna outside. I'm sitting in the hoop coop, relaxing along with my flock. They're preening and napping.

Nice little breeze slipping through...
Planted some more tomatoes. They’re teeny tiny so I probably won’t get anything off of them but oh well. The other 3 I planted much earlier are huge and doing really well so it’s fine. I also put 3 peppers in much bigger pots. Again, tiny but have two huge ones outside so it’s okay if nothing happens. I procrastinated planting all these so it’s just an experiment at this point hahah

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