What did you do in the garden today?

Finally managed to get the last tomatoes and chilis outside , my peach tree has a disease, it’s a pity, cos he has many peaches, but I fear they will fall off before getting ripeView attachment 3537539
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my first ever grapes ( red) I love grapes ! But I fear, the birds will harvest them before I can
we haven’t had any rain for the last 5 weeks or so ( driest May in recorded history, and June hasn’t brought any rain at all) and now we’ve had a week of temperatures around 30 C, can’t wait for some rain! The ground is baked, so when I start watering, it just runs off, I should hoe it, but can’t cos I waiting to get both hips replaced …
I would try throwing some mulch around the base and watering that. It should hold the water in long enough to soak through.
Once your grapes start you try could covering them with some organza bags. Cheap and come in all sorts of sizes. I use them to isolate squash flowers when I want to save seeds.
Anybody know of a good brand of outdoor sandles? I absolutely destroy them every year. Haven't been able to find a pair that lasts more then 1 season for 5-6 yrs. Getting tired of the flip flop effect of a broken one.

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These slippers are expensive, but they last a long time. They have improved the durability and comfort of slippers with new technology.

Anybody know of a good brand of outdoor sandles? I absolutely destroy them every year. Haven't been able to find a pair that lasts more then 1 season for 5-6 yrs. Getting tired of the flip flop effect of a broken one.

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Check LL Bean and Lands End. They used to have really good walking sandals.
Anybody know of a good brand of outdoor sandles? I absolutely destroy them every year. Haven't been able to find a pair that lasts more then 1 season for 5-6 yrs. Getting tired of the flip flop effect of a broken one.

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I’m on my second year with these. They are closed toe bc my toes seem to attract sharp sticks. But lots of similar type shoes on Amazon.

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Look at how huge these spinach leaves are! 😳 I harvested them from my garden today. View attachment 3538394
I also got a zucchini, this time from my home garden. View attachment 3538399
This is a picture of 8 or 9 out of the 10 chicks that hatched on the 10th of May. They decided to roost on the branch pile I have in the chicken run. View attachment 3538401View attachment 3538403Today was my daughter’s baby shower. 🥰
Do we know if it’s a boy or a girl? She seems happy.
Yesterday afternoon I was outside for maybe an hour, tying up the Summer squash and picking beans, and I felt drained from the heat.

So I resolved to do my watering early today, before we headed to church. I deep watered all the gardens and shrubs as rain is not in the forecast except as possible thunderstorms. I have seeds sprouting, don't want them stunted or killed waiting for rain.


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Tomatoes, peppers, and squash got a deep soaking.
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When I left the house this morning for work everything outside was very wet. Apparently we had rain last night... not in the forecast but welcome!

Last night I blanched and froze the last of the turnip greens. Yum!


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