What did you do in the garden today?

Sinus headache was ALMOST gone until I drove into the city, without sunglasses (they're on order still), and picked up a truckload of what turned out to be moldy mulch. OMG....

BUT the deer chewed oak tree is now in a WIDE cage and the irrigation is complete in the garden, to include the strawberry pots.

DH watered the air root balls for me and put out traps for ground squirrels, more traps. SIck of these rats.
Managed to get my sister to fly in and stay with our mom so I could come home for the night to gather my things for a longer stay. Got to check out the garden for the first time in 4 days. Good thing too because I found half a dozen breeding squash bugs on my yellow squash! 😡 One nice thing about vertical squash is that you only need to check 4 or 5 leaves which makes the process fast! Of course the plants are still rather small so they are only about 8" up the pole. I do have a couple of fruits growing. Even on the zucchini which I haven't pollinated. Ants must have done it? Or it'll end up just rotting off at some point.

I harvested the last 2 heads of romaine because they were close to bolting. Supposedly it will regrow as long as you leave at least an inch of growth above ground. We'll see what happens...

Also harvested 2 heads of broccoli and about a half pint of raspberries. Does anyone have fall gold raspberries? So far I am not impressed. They fall apart when you pick them and they are rather bland. Debating on whether to replace them with something else.
Managed to get my sister to fly in and stay with our mom so I could come home for the night to gather my things for a longer stay. Got to check out the garden for the first time in 4 days. Good thing too because I found half a dozen breeding squash bugs on my yellow squash! 😡 One nice thing about vertical squash is that you only need to check 4 or 5 leaves which makes the process fast! Of course the plants are still rather small so they are only about 8" up the pole. I do have a couple of fruits growing. Even on the zucchini which I haven't pollinated. Ants must have done it? Or it'll end up just rotting off at some point.

I harvested the last 2 heads of romaine because they were close to bolting. Supposedly it will regrow as long as you leave at least an inch of growth above ground. We'll see what happens...

Also harvested 2 heads of broccoli and about a half pint of raspberries. Does anyone have fall gold raspberries? So far I am not impressed. They fall apart when you pick them and they are rather bland. Debating on whether to replace them with something else.

I hope things improve with your mother soon. I feel like everyone is dealing with so many health issues this year, including us. Prayers for you and she both.
I have some of those & they are rusting. :( I'm not sure if it's just my location & weather, but those, pallets & the cedar only last a few years here. Thank you.
Well, that's why I take YouTube ads/sponsorships with a grain of salt. Not everyone has the same experience as the YouTuber. I hope you can find something!
My Grandpa taught me the same! He worked at the Ford Tractor plant in Detroit, and he could fix absolutely anything. One of my early memories of him was when I was 4 or 5, he taught me the right way to curl up a hose without twists or kinks (and made me show him I knew how to do it) because if you do it right, the hose can last a lifetime.
How do you do it? Really.
I identified a native flower growing along the edge of the woods bordering my lawn. Trumpet honeysuckle. I saw it blooming last spring but didn't identify it then. Pretty cool! Another native along with the Oregon grapes, salal and vining blackberries that will attract pollinators for my garden.


IMG_1131.JPG IMG_1132.JPG
We bought some end tables at a garage sale. The goats were intrigued.


Bean tower 1. Three rows will be beans for drying and south facing row will be small melons. We have black plastic to heat up the soil.

Bean tower 2. Three rows will be beans, south row will be cucumbers

Potatoes look good. Most have flower buds already!

We also planted the cotton plants today. They looked like they had good roots. Hopefully they like where we planted them.

We planted the peanuts too. Under black plastic for now bc nights still a bit cold, and soil temp might be a bit lower than they like. But we will remove the plastic in a few weeks I guess.

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