What did you do in the garden today?

I've been hardening off the last of my tomato and pepper plants. Today they got a few hours of direct, hot sunshine. They also got buffeted around by the wind some. They didn't break, so it should strenghthen their stems.

Maybe tomorrow evening would be a good time to put them in the garden. I think they'll be able to handle what nature dishes out by then.
My plants have been outside for 5 days now. Tonight could get down to 39, but after that, I think (HOPE) we're done with those temps. Then I can get some stuff in the ground!

I've been holding off planting more onion sets, as I want to put them around the tomatoes, and I want to plant the tomatoes first.
Happy Mothers day to the moms!

My mom day gifts included chocolates (waiting until my cold is gone so I can taste them) and these:

Small notebooks, great quality. ( https://fieldnotesbrand.com/ ) Pencils and the top right item is a sticker that my teen claimed - all the rage to stick on the ChromeBook.
Screen Shot 2023-05-14 at 8.46.16 AM.png

We've used Field Notes for many years, and it had been awhile since we had bought some.
Morning. Happy Mothers Day to the Moms! My chickens got me eggs & my dog, well, he might have forgotten... :gig

My brand new pullets put themselves to bed last! Never seen anything like it. :yesss:

Not much happening in the garden, I will water the newly placed cuke seeds. DH pulled the rhubarb flowers & some weeds for me in the garden. It's a bit late, but I will feed the rhubarb today. I lost a small blueberry bush this year.

I cannot figure out why my lettuce won't grow. It's driving me crazy. It sprouted & there they stay. 2 teeny little leaves the size of an eraser on each one. :rant Pricy, organic raised bed soil new last year. A couple different packages/brands of seeds so it's not that, plus they sprouted. Any ideas? It's just lettuce & spring! It shouldn't be hard! :he
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It's sprinkling here, good. Hope it rains while we're in church. If it doesn't I have to hook up the longer hose I just bought to the faucet on the side of the house, then run it around to the backyard and out to the gardens. I just didn't have much "oomph" yesterday afternoon, and didn't feel up to tackling the backyard faucet thread repair job.

Current view out kitchen window:

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