What did you do in the garden today?

I sprinkled some choi sum seeds around a shallow 18 inch pot and covered it with a trash can lid for a couple of days and they sprouted. I planted some onions in the same kind of pot, but I feel like taking the small onion bulbs out and replacing it with choi sum. Onions take too long and not worth the effort in an 18 inch pot.

I decided to replace my ginger and onions in my 18 inch shallow pots with choi sum, but I will stagger the planting, so I have them available all year.

I will still keep my onions that I have growing in a cement tub.
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I sprinkled some choi sum seeds around a shallow 18 inch pot and covered it with a trash can lid for a couple of days and they sprouted. I planted some onions in the same kind of pot, but I feel like taking the small onion bulbs out and replacing it with choi sum. Onions take too long and not worth the effort in an 18 inch pot.

I decided to replace my ginger and onions in my 18 inch shallow pots with choi sum, but I will stagger the planting, so I have them available all year.

I will still keep my onions that I have growing in a cement tub.
I do not see where you are from, how do you go about growing your ginger? I have tried but have not had much success.
Good morning gardeners. Well, we did get a bit of a nasty storm last night. The thunder started with one low rumble then it was followed by what sounded like half full dumpsters hitting the street. I'm certain we got hail along with it but fortunately it didn't last very long. No damage, but the ground is still pretty soggy. I'm hoping to do some more cleaning up outside today. I need to get more dirt in the small bed in the backyard and get it ready to plant the fingerling potatoes next week. The 16 foot bed needs a lot of raking and cleaning so it will be ready to plant peas. And of course there's still ice on the north side of my garage. LOL! Breezy today and the tree pollen is flying. Well, at least it's finally Spring. Have a great day all.
Project cuttings first 2 photos. They are in a bag for humidity. Leafing out and roots. Third photo is wild grape with Concord graft growing. Potted it up and under lights now.
I do not see where you are from, how do you go about growing your ginger? I have tried but have not had much success.
I planted a ginger in a 18 inch shallow pot, I got it from my local Super Market. I covered it with about a half inch of potting soil and it multiplied. The shallow 18 inch pot produced enough ginger to last least a year in my freezer. I didn't do anything special, I just mixed my potting soil with pelleted chicken manure
I have something to say, then I have a question.

The sap run is almost over. The temperatures are starting to warm up, to the point where it’s almost not freezing at night. For reference, it needs to be below freezing at night, and above freezing during the day for the sap to run.

Once it finally finishes, I will post all the data of my sap run.

Now, my question.

One of you mentioned that I should put my location on my profile so people could know where I am. How exactly do I do that?
Very loose. For some reason i always thought u shouldnt compact it 🤷🏻‍♀️. This is the first time ive used starter cells. I tried compacting it a bit in the bigger pots but when i Watered them they sank in the center a bit. I dont have nearly as many issues when i wing it, just when i try to do things "properly"

You don't want compacted soil when gardening but when you're using seed starter mix it's really hard to over compact that stuff because it's generally fluffy. There is a happy medium of pressing the soil gently into the seed pots so that it will retain its shape when your remove them. You'll get the hang of it! If you moisten your soil before adding it to the cups it may be easier for you too.
I planted lettuce & spinach indoors today. I dont trust the weather (or my chickens) to direct seed yet. Still trying to figure out a fencing barrier for my plantings. DH also said he would help me build a smaller range area parallel to the garden that is accessible to the chickens so I can let them out of the run without damage to my new seedlings. Maybe this coming weekend will have nice enough weather to do so!

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