What did you do in the garden today?

Added more compost to a couple of raised beds. Doing a few at a time as I can get out there... Some potato greenery poking through the soil. Buried them all below compost. Noticed my lemon balm and pineapple mint coming up too.

The deer (I assume) have been chewing up my thornless blackberries. I am livid! I had 3 or 4 canes that were well over 6 ft long and even had long branches off of them. They are all chewed down to a 2-3 ft stub!


I also think something killed my Madame Blue roses. They were coming out of dormancy just like all the others. Now all the tiny leaf clusters have died off and all the budding appears to have stopped. The peach roses right next to them appear fine and healthy. I don't know why they died. They were so lovely and full last summer. Here's my blooms from last year. 😭😭😭

Morning all. Yesterday was the calm before the storm. Got a text from the power company to expect power outages. Great. So DH sent a friend down to get the tractor & move a couple 100lb propane tanks for the generator. Hopefully thats insurance I don’t lose power. Lol. You ready @Wee Farmer Sarah?

I ate some aerogarden lettuce on a sandwich for lunch. (Thats all I got 😬)
Morning all. Yesterday was the calm before the storm. Got a text from the power company to expect power outages. Great. So DH sent a friend down to get the tractor & move a couple 100lb propane tanks for the generator. Hopefully thats insurance I don’t lose power. Lol. You ready @Wee Farmer Sarah?

I ate some aerogarden lettuce on a sandwich for lunch. (Thats all I got 😬)

I hope all is well for you guys!
Good morning gardeners. And yes, @Sueby I'm ready for this storm. I still have new shovels and plenty of gas and melty stuff for the front yard. I only use sand in the back. I'm not really thrilled because all I can visualize is heavy wet slush choking my snowblower. Ugh! But with the temperatures in the mid 40's it won't stick around long. I didn't get any additional seeds started yesterday. Did I mention how much I hate Daylight Savings Time? I did get to Walmart and picked up two more blueberry roots. The large double display they had a week ago was shrunk down to one small display. I did some research and decided I could handle some Concord grape vines. DD ordered them for me along with the Jersey Knight asparagus crowns. And yes, I have a boatload of bird netting I ordered last year. As for the grapes, the cost of 5 vines is less than what I spend every year buying enough grapes to make 2 batches of grape jam. So I think this is a good investment. The hardest part is getting the arbors set up. But I like the "plant once, harvest every year" type plants. I really need to move on. Best of luck to all in the path of this Nor'easter.

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