What did you do in the garden today?

I avoided the worst of the weather this week by being in TX for work. Back home this evening. It's in the 30s, but 40s and 50s for the next week.

I checked on the grow tent and found that nearly all the tomatoes and peppers have now sprouted. Kholrabi is doing well still. I adjusted some of the grow lights and watered the seedlings. That's it. I need to go over the garden plan again and figure sowing dates for the rest of the seeds.
I avoided the worst of the weather this week by being in TX for work. Back home this evening. It's in the 30s, but 40s and 50s for the next week.

I checked on the grow tent and found that nearly all the tomatoes and peppers have now sprouted. Kholrabi is doing well still. I adjusted some of the grow lights and watered the seedlings. That's it. I need to go over the garden plan again and figure sowing dates for the rest of the seeds.

It was a high of 86F here today and all week we have highs in the 70s-80s...it's so weird seeing those dealing with snow storms when we're down here wondering what happened to spring because we skipped right to summer, lol.
I think I have this with my marmande tomato plants. Is this a virus? Or will copper solution help?
Its a virus, it spreads by infected cutting tool or insect bite. I am replacing infected plants with different varieties to see if I can find one that has resistance.

I took my infected Rutger tomato plant out of a 10 gallon grow bag and soaked the potting mix with a 16 oz hydrogen peroxide bottle diluted with 2 gallon water and replaced it with Atomic Fusion.

I also replace an infected Katana tomato plant with Atomic Fusion and did not treat the potting soil with anything for comparison to see if the hydrogen peroxide or plant type made a difference.
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I bet there are many which are resistant, in the family farm we only grow resistant varieties, but in my garden I like to have tasty varieties.
So far Katana, Rutgers and Better Boy got stunted, but my Celebrity tomato plant got to 4 feet and set a lot of fruit before showing signs of infection. It doesn't affect the fruit size, so I still got to eat tomatoes. My local cherry tomato seem to have some resistance to it, so I am working with different cherry tomatoes like sun gold, sun sugar, brad's atomic grape, atomic fusion, super sweet 100, black cherry, blue berry, princess yum yum, and heart shape cherry. I hope one of them has resistance to the virus.

All my beef steak type got hit in my Kratky set up, so I replaced them with cucumbers.

I just put some early girl bush type seed in a petri dish for my next test plant. I am pretty sure this variety will produce some tomatoes.
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They sprouted! Like, some of them at least:
Wild cherry tomatoes ✅
North eastern gherkins ✅
Harosh Ba’ajir ✅
Matt’s wild cherry tomatoes ❓
Baladi Malali watermelon ❌
Baladi Shami tomatoes ❌
Edit: typo, photo 2C4BA383-3937-44BC-9099-3C708241B093.jpeg
I know you can’t really see anything in this photo, but they really hatched
Another non-gardening day. We got enough of a wintry mix overnight that has put a coating of ice on everything. Windy but not horrifically cold yet. The sun is shining between the clouds. Temperatures headed into the single digits overnight. Cold tomorrow but should not be windy. I'll likely order some cilantro seeds today. Perhaps a few other herb seeds. My red geranium that is overwintering in my sunroom is blooming now. The plant looks a bit rough, but the flowers are nice. My lime tree is putting out quite a few new leaves. It's getting bushy but really slow to get much height on it. Best of luck to all in the path of this latest round of harsh winter weather.
Another non-gardening day. We got enough of a wintry mix overnight that has put a coating of ice on everything. Windy but not horrifically cold yet. The sun is shining between the clouds. Temperatures headed into the single digits overnight. Cold tomorrow but should not be windy.
We have the same weather. Windy until about 3pm, then temps dropping into single digits around midnight. But they should be up to double digits by mid morning on Sat. I was anticipating much worse. Don’t love the weather but very aware that we got lucky with this storm!

Maybe I’ll start seeding early stuff in the next few weeks.

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