What did you do in the garden today?

It is that time!

I got the plant trays set in foil, will it leak,, most likely

got the start pots out and
I am going to ferment all the cabbage, so I am deciding how much I want for that, then there is coleslaw it make,

I'll set as much as I can in the window and I cleared off my reading table and will put the rest on it, After I put the seed away
First harvest ever from the acreage! Little milestone.. now if only that building permit can get approved so I can move out there. Most of the seeds I planted earlier this month are coming up, except the fennel. I just ordered some yu choy seeds, it's a broccoli relative, if the fennel isn't up by the time those seeds get here I'll plant that instead.
I gardened today! :weeI planted a bunch of lettuces in the aerogarden. 😂 That’s my garden for the year, except the garlic, strawberries & herbs that are out there already. Will probably have lots of volunteer sungolds too.

My MIL sent me 2 kits for the aeorgarden for Christmas, one a bunch of lettuces & the other a salsa garden with tomatoes & jalapenos. Didn’t even have to pull my seeds out of the fridge.
As promised last night, here's a pic off the completed greenhouse.

3 inches of snow... and more expected over the next 3 days. If the sun pokes out at all I'll be so happy.
I might go out later and put in some braces between the rafters now that I finally thought of a way to do it. I well not enjoy being out there though. I already did snow removal (uncle has a side business I'm helping with) this morning and need to go do snow removal again this evening. Being out there is not fun like it used to be when I was a kid.
I gardened today! :weeI planted a bunch of lettuces in the aerogarden. 😂 That’s my garden for the year, except the garlic, strawberries & herbs that are out there already. Will probably have lots of volunteer sungolds too.

My MIL sent me 2 kits for the aeorgarden for Christmas, one a bunch of lettuces & the other a salsa garden with tomatoes & jalapenos. Didn’t even have to pull my seeds out of the fridge.
I'm thinking of sending an aerogarden to my Dad in an assisted living apartment. He used to garden big time so this might be good for him. Before this I looked at aerogarden and said I don't need that since I have a large greenhouse and all the garden space I could want including light shelves for starts. But I think he will love it.

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