What did you do in the garden today?

I'm up potting some greens (various lettuces, spinach, cabbage, bok choy) that I've started under lights. I have at least 64+++ So will do 9 at a time as I go in/out from chicken chores until all are done. 9 solo cups fit in the dishpans that I'm sifting soil into (soil leftover from digging trench for french drain). This will take a few days just adding on to chicken chores a little at a time.
1055 am and we've had sleet, graupel, snow and then sleet and now freezing rain. In about an hour it will be full on snow and we're not looking at 8-12 inches today.
Everything is closing early, or is already closed.
Roads are a mess.
ahh, gotta love the snow pellets, get them quick tho while the snow blower can still pitch them before it turns into a frozen block of crap.
Tell you what, that is the one thing I do NOT miss about living up north is that.
This is where you wish you had a nice cozy fire place to sit around in front of... drinking your vodka drinks :D :p

This wouldn't be to protect against critters but to support the weight of the fruit as it grows on the trellis. I've done vertical gardening with melons before and used homemade slings which still caused rot. I'm hoping the mesh produce bags (20" x 24") will work better.
I'd like to see a picture of your melons-in-slings. I've thought about doing that, but never have.
uh oh, we may need to do something about that.
How much for, say, a couple pounds of Paco? Coffee, not bird! :lau
I watched a YT video about using stretch pants in outrageous patterns as socks over random plastic pots or recycled bottles. If they are of nylon, poly and spandex materials they can last a year outside where she is in southern California. Perhaps these could be useful as slings for melons.

YT channel is Robbie and Gary Gardening Easy

Amazing Plant Pot Ideas DIY recycle Bottles & Food Containers for Small Space Garden & House Plants​


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