What did you do in the garden today?

Good afternoon gardeners. It finally stopped raining and I’m out with the chickens now. Did a rough draft of carving out new vegetable garden plots. I really can’t do too much than speculate on the exact location of the 500 square foot plot. With the weather clearing up the loggers can get back to work cleaning up the tree debris soon. In addition to some large stumps there are some very large granite boulders popping up here and there. So after I see how much “cleaning up” they do I’ll be able to get a better look at the ground. I did order seeds from Ferry Morse. I’m definitely putting in corn, peas, acorn squash and small watermelons. I also ordered heirloom Blue Lake pole green beans. I’m also planning on potatoes and onions but I’m going to try to find them locally. I checked out the Arbor Society website and I’m liking the prices on their trees so I may get some flowering hardwoods and pear trees from them. The budget is tight and although I may not be able to fence in that former “forest,” I will need to put up enough fencing to keep the deer and turkeys away.
Anyone have a good source for seed starter plugs that does NOT come from Amazon or Walmart?

Don't know if this will help, but I just posted an idea on my Show Me Your Pallet Projects! thread. Here it is...

⚠️ Scrap Wood Idea - Making Square Paper Seedling Pots - Quick, Easy, and Biodegradable

I'm currently making seedling pots out of all kinds of materials, like empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls. I have some plastic containers that I might be drilling holes in to see if I can make some air-pruning seedling pots out of them. Just experimenting with anything I have around the house and shop that might be good for planting seeds.

Tangentially connected to Pallet Wood Projects, this following video uses a couple scraps of wood to make a form/jig used to fold the paper pots. It's kind of a two-fer in that it's another pallet/scrap wood project plus you can make square paper pots for early planting of seeds. Since this thread originally spun off the gardening thread, I hope someone here might find this video useful. Here it is...

Well it was cold and windy last night. Not a fun combo. Im seeing where I may need to have insulation re done on the house in some spots. Maybe get one of those places that blow it in and go do the attic or down the walls or however they do it for a few inches or however it works. The windows are fairly new so they are not leaking, but something is I can feel the chill and on my aching carcass, NOT fun.

i told paco i want to turn him into a talking pillow, big and fwuffy, he balked, so I grabbed a chicken and sat there with her snuggled in my lap. She calmed down and liked being pet real well, I was giving her some snacks too. Paco got all bent on that, so decided he could sit on my shoulder and be snuggly a little bit after all !!

one way or another I WILL have my feathered pillow !!


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