What did you do in the garden today?

This warm weather is giving me garden fever
Yeah, when we get a January or February thaw, I'm ready to call winter done, and just want it to go away. Dh wants snow to cross country ski on. Sigh. We don't have that for him, or sunshine for me.

We were supposed to get the first sunshine of the year today. Well, maybe it was sunny at our house, but we went to visit friends. Nope, about 3 seconds of sunshine, and that was it.
Good luck with your lemons, hopefully it survives. I think my Myers lemon is going to be pushing up daisies after this last bout of hard frost sadly. I need to do my strawberries too, the patch is just getting scraggly and the girls tearing thru it all summer did NOT help it one bit either. I may just mulch the whole thing under. If any survive, well good for them, and replant something else there.

You might be surprised. I've nearly killed mine for the past 3 winters for not bringing it in soon enough. It grew up from the root ball. Of course that might be why I still don't have a single bloom. Who knows what they grafted it to originally but the leaves are the same so I just keep trying.
Id not write off winter too fast here. We still got a good 3 months where it can din'g us. Florida knows that lesson very well. it gets in the 80s things bloom, blossom and really start taking off, then the end of march we get 3 days in the teens temp wise and trashes the garden back out :(

Hopefully not this year, but we'll see how it all goes.

I haven't been on here in a few months, and am not even going to try to catch up.

I got my main garden planned, and have started ordering seeds and plants. Now, I need to plan my herbal/medicinal garden that will be closer to the house... and where the heck I will plant the fruit trees my husband says he wants to get me as an early birthday present.

We want to get peach and sweet cherry trees, so I am trying to do all the research on varieties and where to buy.

The other day was warm (50°F) and sunny and smelled like Spring, and I said, "I'm ready for spring! I know I have a few months of winter to go through, but I am ready for spring."

I tried using my Aerogarden to grow lettuce, and it was going well, and then they all randomly died. So I put the Aerogarden away. I should just sell them and buy grow lights instead.
I have so much i need to get planted too but with a busted foot, No motivation and it starts throbbing if I do anything on it so, probably not much for me. The blueberries are already inand established, so probably throw more mulch to boost that up a bit for the spring time and the annuals. oh well, maybe next year..

which reminds me i still need to put the garlic / vidalias in sigh

I can emphasize with you. I spent almost 3 months in a boot during early 2020. It made trying to garden a real pain in the rear. Hope you heal up soon.
Id not write off winter too fast here. We still got a good 3 months where it can din'g us. Florida knows that lesson very well. it gets in the 80s things bloom, blossom and really start taking off, then the end of march we get 3 days in the teens temp wise and trashes the garden back out :(

Hopefully not this year, but we'll see how it all goes.

Definitely not writing it off here. I actually plant three rounds of winter crops most years to try to avoid it. Usually I’ll plant one at the beginning of November that will be ready in early February. One after Christmas and one in early to mid February. Unfortunately this looks like one of those years where all three might get toasted.
I’ve been putting my chickens in the garden since most of it is empty. Today I let them in, and pulled up a few spent kale plants. Then dug around my zucchini raised bed. They went CRAZY. I hope they found lots of SVB larvae and cabbage worm larvae. They were busy for a good hour in just that one area. If it’s decent tomorrow I’ll do the same. I’m hoping my first year with chickens at my own house will be the final straw for some of these garden pests I’ve been dealing with.

One question…since they are grabbing all kinds of bugs, do I need to work them on a regular basis? I rather not use medication unless necessary but am willing to do a yearly preventative if anyone has advice.
Id not write off winter too fast here. We still got a good 3 months where it can din'g us. Florida knows that lesson very well. it gets in the 80s things bloom, blossom and really start taking off, then the end of march we get 3 days in the teens temp wise and trashes the garden back out :(

Hopefully not this year, but we'll see how it all goes.


last year it was so warm in january that I planted potates. in march we had frost.
I managed some garden clean up today. I finally harvested the rest of our carrots (about 20 lbs worth) and planted garlic. I should have planted the garlic in November but never got around to it. I hope it all takes - I think it will be alright seeing I started garlic indoors after 30 days in the fridge two years ago and successfully grew it still after transplanting - as long as it gets has cold stratification I don't think it matters too much if it roots before hand.

I mapped out the garden today too. I just drew it on paper this year. No fancy spreadsheet like I usually do - but I'll probably get it in a spreadsheet anyway to save for future reference. I'm doing less plant species this year but planning to attempt to grow watermelon and maybe cantaloupe along with sunflowers in a large section of the garden. I have struggled with attempts to grow watermelon in the past but I'm going all in on it this year - I'm not planting any squash or pumpkins even and making melons the only large vine this year (pole beans will be the only other vines actually). I'm thinking I will work to remove the sunchokes this year. We like them in small amounts, not enough to grow them anymore though. That's a 4x4 area of raised bed that I look forward to having back for other plants next year.

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