What did you do in the garden today?

Didn't know that about requiring HOA's in Florida now. Last year I did find some homes that were either very new or not even finished yet with no HOA - maybe they were empty lots in old subdivisions?

I too ordered seeds :oops: including two tomato varieties that might actually produce in the summer here. Oh, and I got my soil results back. Veggie garden has a pH of 8 and is deficient in everything besides calcium. Back of the orchard is better at 6.7. So far everything growing in the veggie garden looks fine, I amended only with compost/manure.
I despise HOA's. but sadly in florida, any new community after I think it was 2000 or whichever year HAS to be one. Long story short it has to do with upkeep of public properties, which is why HOA's were initially 'created' but fast forward and you get frustrated housewives given a bit of perceived 'power' over the rest of the neighborhood and then stupid stuff happens. What's worse is the a holes in the community VOTE these stupid MF's in, WE can pick which company represents the HOA, but you either have people too lazy to give a darn, or in this case, I strongly believe the president of the HOA is in bed with the 'company' that oversees it and is getting some kind of kickback, because the fees keep going up and there is NO purpose. Im about to hire an investigator to see what is going on there, seriously, it's total crap. They threaten most people with lawsuits, but most of these 'management' companies are s holes operating out of a rented storage shed with two rejects living in apartments next door to the storage unit, and the idiots who actually live in the communities, gladly pay these scum bags to hate on them and make their lives miserable. I just don't get it. If you need that kind of structure in your life you pathetic LOSER... then join the military, hell, they'll even pay you instead of you paying them !!

If I had it to do all over again, now that I know better, Id buy some land in an unincorporated area in the boonies, build a house on the backside of it, put a fence up get a pack of pit bulls and a sign saying stay out leave me the F alone.

You have weeds in your lawn, YOU are lowering property values in your community !!!
Get over yourselves, you should be thanking me, because that means you are paying LESS in taxes you idiot. Take yourself off the mortal coil, do the world a favor.

This planet needs a meteor to wipe out about 95 percent of the population. the gene pool would be better off and the IQ base would probably be better off too. Let the chickens take over as the dominant species. they earned it.
Whoa guy, you sound like me when I’m mad :gig I’m sorry, I know you’re grumpy and don’t feel good.
Didn't know that about requiring HOA's in Florida now. Last year I did find some homes that were either very new or not even finished yet with no HOA - maybe they were empty lots in old subdivisions?

I'll try to keep it brief:
In the past, the counties used to be responsible for public ways - upkeep, ie keeping the grass mowed around retention ponds, along the road, in the front of subdivisions .. stuff like that. That cost a bit of money. People got together and came up with a plan, well we will let the PEOPLE who live in those area's take care of the maintenance etc, and give them a tax break for doing so. So for some slightly lower property taxes, your group took care of the mowing around the retention pond, the sign by the main road etc etc. The HOA was basically an 'official' way of making this happen.

Well give an inch and a tyrant will take a mile. As time goes on, HOA's evolved into the nazi POS's that they are today, with a bunch of fat frustrated housewives who haven't had 'joy' in 20 years, running around with clip boards writing up their neighbors for having the garbage cans on the wrong side of the driveway with the handles pointing outwards instead of 45.2 degrees to the left side of the mailbox.... type crap. They have gotten all too powerful for all the wrong reasons.

If you live in an older subdivision there are no HOA requirements. Some unincorporated areas do not require them either. I also believe they are NA to agricultural zones as well etc etc.

If you plan on moving to florida, do your homework and see what kind of gestapo runs the hood you plan on moving into. or better, go rural and avoid that cancer at all costs.

I really need to do stuff in the yard, I really had / have a LOT of stuff to do, but with a broken foot, have no idea wtf I am going todo for a garden now. I go in tomorrow finally to see the surgeon to see what they are going to do with it. In the mean time, im clubbin around here, not getting anything done and it sucks. then theres the GD HOA nazi's crying about weeds or some crap like that in the front yard, it's about time to give that ignorant ct her annual curse out to pull her head out of her backside and stop looking for stupid crap to bitch about, it's WINTER, of COURSE you will see some weeds, they are the only thing that grows in WINTER. I swear some of these idiots in the HOA need to discover toys or something.

:lau Discover toys, hilarious. Good luck with the surgeon, I hope you get some good news!
I tried something similar with my IBC totes earlier in the year, make a walkway between them with chicken wire covering the top. was kind of clunky since i had to get in there as well.

that hoopy design looks like it'd work nice but after a while that wire will flex out and eventually want to flatten out on it's own so it won't hold it's shape forever, and that will cause issues im betting. IT looks / works great for the first month or so, then as time goes on hmmm..


edit not to mention the birds won't be TOO happy in there and the first time a hawk lands on that stuff or near and they go crazy, it's going to potentially cause a lot of injuries as they trample each other to get away etc etc.
I bought a black 23 gallon trash can with a dome lid from Walmart today. I will use it hydroponically for a Better Boy tomato plant. The dome lid will allow the rain water to run off it. I used a 3/4 inch rubber grommet in the middle of the cover to hold the plant.

I hope my chickens don't get any ideas..............:wee

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Good morning gardeners. We’re supposed to have slight chance of rain today and tomorrow and then clear skies for a few days. I’ve decided not to plant anything this year, there’s much to do and I need to simplify my life right now. So the fruit trees will go back to Lowe’s this weekend, and we’ll get all the weeding done and then I can concentrate on keeping everything alive through summer and try a fall garden. I’m pretty much the only one who cleans house, gardens, cooks and work full time on top having two grandkids and three dogs; I have too many irons in the fire. I think I’ll be purging a bunch of junk this year and getting the whole house cleaned up and organized. If that’s all done I won’t feel quite so overwhelmed with other projects like the garden. I’m sad, but it would be wasted effort and wasted water this year I think.

I did something like that last spring/summer as I was selling my house. but 2 tomatoes, 2 peppers and 2 cucumbers would not be that much work. some home grown fresh salad is always welcome here.

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