What did you do in the garden today?

Do you ever buy from Azure Standard? I signed up with them several years ago but I've never actually ordered anything.

I have looked at it several times and I plan to place an order, I have yet to do it, but I I will! I order in bulk anyway and they seem to have nice quality bulk products.
I cut a pineapple crown into 4 quarters and stuck them in 1 gallon pots and they grew. I add pelleted chicken manure around the top once a month to keep them green. I have become attached to them. I treat them like ornamental house plants. There in a place where they get morning sun and the potting mix stays moist for a few days between watering. I love these plants because bugs don't bother them and they look happy.

I plan on taking them to the fruiting stage with calcium carbide, next year and will be using 2 gallon pots for this experiment. (See product review) https://www.amazon.com/Calcium-Carb...f-4436-8a62-241c5393dc02&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mi
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Lots of mowing today. I am going to be sore tomorrow. Most of my seeds came up in the new garden, but a raccoon has been digging so I have to replant a few things. Will wait and see if I need to fence it.

The mystery melon growing on my property is called a citron. Not sweet and only the size of a golf ball so that's getting ripped out.

Dropping down to the 30s Fri/Sat so I'll have to throw some trash cans over the coconuts and I may cover the tomatoes too. Everything else should be fine.
I cut a pineapple crown into 4 quarters and stuck them in 1 gallon pots and they grew. I add pelleted chicken manure around the top once a month to keep them green. I have become attached to them. I treat them like ornamental house plants. There in a place where they get morning sun and the potting mix stays moist for a few days between watering.
I love these plants because bugs don't bother them and they look happy.
I've never heard of quartering a pineapple crown! I'll have to learn about it😃. Since they started punching the crowns with tags I've had trouble growing them... maybe this will fix the problem.
I just got an idea and thought I will share it. I saw this video where this smart chicken farmer did a comparison between chicken feed with vinegar and ground charcoal to without. His results show a big difference in quality of eggs.
My idea is to put sugar cane vinegar and powdered charcoal in their drinking water instead of their feed.
a lavender drink? please share a recipe.
I put 4 to 5 flower bulbs or a leaf sprig of lavender with a green tea bag and add a teaspoon of non diabetic sugar (Pure Cane brand) or honey into a small clay tea pot and add hot water. I also add a packet of instant ginseng in the day, but not at night. Red Ginseng keeps me up at night, so I can only drink it in the day. Black tea kind of over power the floral taste, so I use Trader Joe's Blood Orange Rooibos tea blend with my black tea instead.

Once in a while, I make a gallon of sweet lavender flavored green tea and put it in the ice box for a cold drink latter.
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We only have Spanish Lavender at my local Home Depot and Lowes. Their leaf branches and flower taste the same to me, but the flower are more potent. I use those mini 12 slot/dome seed starter trays and keep the dome on for at least a month. I notice that the ones that had their leaf touching the potting mix died and the ones that didn't survived. I made some clones to give away as gifts.
The Lavender that I have, thrive in potting mix that kills my tomato plants. I think its immune to nematodes.
I’ve got a Spanish lavender that’s a few years old, love it! It can withstand our late afternoon sun

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