What did you do in the garden today?

Happy Halloween everyone
They are self pollinating, I have just the one and it does fine. Age about 3 to 5 years it should start making nice fruit. Finiky as lemon, I am going to have to say no it's been pretty robust. got tore up a few times by caterpillars and some other nasties but kept trucking along. They can take some frost, this one took the bad frost last year of 18 degrees,but single digit, yah that might do it in so yes wheel it in for that. The only real problem is if it gets a LOT of water, like heavy rains for a day or so water, some of the oranges may split on the branches, but other than that it's pretty easy that I have seen so far.

My Meyer Lemon is probably 4 yrs old and it has yet to fruit at all. I nearly killed it last winter by leaving it outside below freezing. It lost all its leaves and the wood died. I thought it was totally done for but to my surprise it popped up new wood from the root ball. Considering most Meyer Lemons are grafted, I'm holding out to see if this stays a dwarf lemon or if it becomes something different altogether. I got a lot of growth over the spring. Slowed down over summer due to excessive heat and drought. It's about 4 ft tall now and bushy like a Christmas tree. Losing leaves (predictably) because I moved it indoors due to the freeze last week. We'll see if it flowers in the spring.

Point being this lemon tree is finicky as they get
Happy Halloween all! We aren’t doing anything this year, daughter will take the boys around tonight though. I was doodling yesterday but think I have a useable plan for the front yard. The mesquite tree was quite large and I think the hole is big enough to plant a couple of smaller trees on opposite sides and take advantage of the decaying roots. This would leave room for two more small trees and then I can fill in between with low growing plants and add the walkways we want. We’re on a corner and want to keep the view clear, but I’d like to put some Spanish lavender and rosemary along one of the paths, maybe a few lantana in between trees in different colors, the trailing varieties spread out quite nicely. Also maybe goji berries, I need to try them first to see if I like them. I’ve considered prickly pear up near the house, I need to double check for a spineless variety though; I don’t remember whether there is such a thing. The plants I have to work with are the Arabian lilac and dwarf olive cuttings I took and I’d like to use them somehow, otherwise there was no point. Those are moving from water to dirt this weekend and will start their transition outdoors in a few weeks. The plants I took the cuttings from have been very good performers, getting through some rough summers as young plants and still thriving. I still have weeds in the shade garden to get pulled this week, blah. I hate those goat head things, but once I get them out I’m going to scrape the ground to make sure I get all the thorns (seeds) and then put down some pavers. Eventually I’ll get most of the floor covered, then fill between with dirt and plant something tiny and low growing between. So these are my winter projects, and I need to get the coop painted and cleaned too. Super happy for cooler weather!
My parents had a Meyers lemon the thing was always just loaded down, itd break the branches off it'd have so many lemons on it. My mom used to squeeze them into ice trays, freeze the juice and bag the cubes. When she wanted lemonade she'd throw some cubes in a glass, add water and a bit of sugar and viola.

I have one here, its bushy, first year so can't tell you if it's going to be bratty or not, probably bratty since I suck with citrus in general.

I need someone else to appreciate my trash picking find today.
Ain't they Great! One of them started right up! Been looking for one for my raised beds. These'll be PERFECT!
View attachment 3308298

Edit for spelling
awesome find especially if it's working,but there's a reason it's in the trash. That sob will drag you across the lawn kicking and screaming trying to turn it off it will @!!


edit did you say raised beds? oh lordy no that thing will tear the walls down if it gets hooked across it, be VERY careful !!
My parents had a Meyers lemon the thing was always just loaded down, itd break the branches off it'd have so many lemons on it. My mom used to squeeze them into ice trays, freeze the juice and bag the cubes. When she wanted lemonade she'd throw some cubes in a glass, add water and a bit of sugar and viola.

I have one here, its bushy, first year so can't tell you if it's going to be bratty or not, probably bratty since I suck with citrus in general.

They need consistent water. My tree is about six feet tall and the branches are dripping with fruit. They’re yellow so it shouldn’t be long, then I’ll be juicing and freezing for a while. I have to make lemonade by the pitcher, the little dude loves it! I water every two weeks and feed with stakes per the instructions. Water is a slow trickle so it goes deep. I water for 24 hours at this point, enough for the water to soak all the way around out to the tree line. Keep in mind I’m in the desert and it’s very dry here, so I keep my trees on this schedule year round.
My parents used to live in Cape Coral before they passed. With the hurricane and all the flooding, all that saltwater innundating, it's going to be a hellscape trying to grow anything for the next few years until they get all that salt out of the soil again Im betting and anything that was planted, is pretty dead Id imagine too.

Sure thing
That’s quit a big one though, it used to be part of the tomato farm, but it’s too old, and isn’t covered with plastic on top, just mesh. View attachment 3307401View attachment 3307400
Behind the green house wall, it’s possible to see one of the other green houses.
Each of them has a name, mine is called “the crooked”, and the one in the background is called “number three”.

look great, thank you.

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