What did you do in the garden today?

Second batch of sweet potatoes are curing. Day 3. Heater is on 75/eco setting, with a bowl of water onto. Its keeping it pretty warm in there - it generally is between 84-89F in the tent. What looks like the white circle is just the thermometer wire curled around.
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Rainy & windy here, 5 days straight, remnants of hurricane Ian. What's odd is the temperature. Usually 70s this time of year, 50s & 60s at night, but it's been in the 50s the past several days. We should finally see sunshine Thursday. A week without sun...my mood is like a dying Sunflower & I'm humming Beatles Here Comes The Sun!

Right before this rain I got what I think will be the last tomatoes for the year, and wow were they sweet & delicious 😋
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Farmer across the street harvested their corn.
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Farmer in back of me, the soybean field is turning yellow on top, made for a pretty picture, looks like a blanket of sunshine leftover from the day.
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Lots of spider webs, I try not to walk through them, those Orb spinners are hard workers.
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Darn stink bugs are trying to get indoors...barn, house, garage, etc.
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I also found "my brain" out in the yard. 😆 A crazy looking mushroom...well that certainly explains my forgetfulness lately. 😆 🤣 😂
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I love your pictures!
Good afternoon all. Still no frost here. We could get a light frost overnight tonight. Sorry about your bout with covid @Sueby. Hope you are feeling better soon. If you can muster up the strength, I recommend covering your squash with something. That would be a painful loss of produce. Here you can’t always rely on the forecast and the temps will vary 3 to 5 degrees either way. I just have kale carrots and turnips in the ground. The peas didn’t really grow that well and there’s only a bloom or two. So no worries if I do get frost. I’ve been harvesting and freezing a lot of kale all summer as well as supplying DD and myself with the fresh greens. I’ve lost track of how many pounds I put in the freezer. I just did my last batch of canning for the season. I used the small harvest of tomatillos and some green tomatoes to make salsa verde. The recipe only made 4 1/2 half pint jars. But I’m done for the year. Can’t wait to get all the extra jars and the canner put away in the basement. I’ll start garden clean up next week.
I had a lot of hot peppers ripen up all the sudden, so I made some hot sauce. Feel free to ask about the steps, I like more pictures than words. 😁
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Orange Spice Jalapeno, Black Hungarian, Caribbean Heat and Armageddon (1.2 million scoville 😜) The main recipe is 10-12oz peppers, 1.5 cups vinegar, several cloves of garlic, half onion, decent amount of salt. Boil, then simmer for 15 minutes, try not to die.
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That is a 7" vent fan ran through the cabinets and outside. I would not recomend doing the really hot peppers inside without that.
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Hit puree several times in the ninja.
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Be really careful bottling. I waited for 3-5 days to bottle.
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I am going to sell a few 4 packs to cover my bottle/packaging costs, then give away most of the rest. I think the Armageddon is going to be insanely hot, I'm too scared to try it. 😂😂
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That's awesome that you made your own hot sauce! I really wanted to do this but I haven't gotten around to it yet. lol, Well, I don't want mine to be stupid hot. 😆
Begging for some quick advice....

In laws came here for a visit & brought COVID. I feel like death, I can barely even move. But we have our first frost warning tonight. Will my spaghetti squash be ok thru a frost? I don't think I have it in me to go pull 15 giant squash right now but I don't want to lose them.


It would depend on how cold it gets and for how long. Also, whether it's on a trellis or on the ground makes a difference...but you know what, your health is more important than those squash. :( I really hope you feel better soon.
dropped to 33.5 last night while all around me it was 25. I love this lake in the fall.
We'll be back to 85 Monday and all week and 40s and 50s at night, but my garden and hoop houses are closed.
I'm down to watering and protecting the giant mums I grew.

That's awesome! I need a pond here. I bet I would almost never have frost with our mild winters. lol
I just switched to the metal cans. Chipmunks and squirrels killed my gamma lids 😡. I spent more on those lids than if I had just bought the metal cans in the first place.

Oh no!!! I know those lids are expensive! I was looking at getting some for the bulk stuff in my pantry for easy access.
We have a new brooder!!

Talented spouse made this! No lino in the bottom - he bought UV treated Plywood for the bottom bc it has a very smooth and hard surface, but the rest was just reclaimed or scraps. we cut down and re-used the mesh lids from the other brooder for these doors. Opens into the run, and is built to hug one of the poles of the barn. We will install hooks for feed and water, and a hole for the plug ins for light or heat plate. on wheels so we can clean under and behind.
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He did a fantastic job! Looks great!

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